DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2015-11-30 21:34:35

GetToKnow AcupuncturePhysician Dr. Angela Liu in Duluth

Get To Know: Duluth Acupuncture Physician-
Dr. Angela C Liu, MD(China), OMD,MSS, L. Ac.
* Licensed & Insured Acupuncture Physician by: Florida & Georgia 2 State Medical Boards;
* Former Integrative MD for Olympic athletes in Beijing, China for20 + yrs;
* World Silver Medal Awarded physician;
* Master’s degree in Sports medicine (Scholarships): US, 1995;
* Extraordinary Immigrate, US Citizen 20 yrs;
* Provider: Work Compensation, US Major Health Insurance;
* US Immigration& Naturalization (USINS) Authorized Medical Hospital 20yrs;
* Lecture Professor for Universities in China/European/US;
* Reported by World major news media in 7 kind of languages;
* Published many academic books & articles bilingual (Chinese& English);
* Dr. Liu is the 3rd Generation of famous Acupuncture physician: Unique Skill
* Dr. Liu is recommended by physicians, trusted by patients & respected by students;
* Dr. Liu offers professional Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) services:
    Common illness, difficult diseases, Specialist in Auto/Sports injury & joint pain;
* Unique Acupuncture Skill comes from family tree (The 3rdGeneration) & High Education;
* We apply Effective Herb Dietary Supplement which US growth,Organic & Fresh!
We against Illegal Home-Made-Capsule which may growth micro-organisms, might mixed with medication, may contains heavy metals,cadmium and cancer material…
*We Treat the following diseases or syndrome:
Common Illness, Difficult Diseases, Specialist in Auto/Sports injury& Joint pain.
*Achill’s Tendon, Anti-Aging, Facial Rejuvenation; Anxiety / Depress / Stress,Sleeping disorder ;
*Allergy, Asthma,Acne, Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Skin Itch, Hives…
* Cancer pain & Chemo side effects;
*Computer neck, Should,Tennis Elbow ,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritisfinger,
Back or Lower back pain (LBP), Knee & Ankle pain , Feet pain, Foot fat pad pain…
*Digestive disorder: Appetite (Excessive or poor), Constipation or diarrhea …Hemorrhoid, Hepatitis…
* Ear/Nose/Throat & Eyes: Ear infection, Sinus, Sore Throat, Eye Problems;
*Endocrine/Metabolic: Diabetes, Thyroid, Hyper/Hypo Metabolic, Obesity,SweatSyndrome …
* Heart Health, Palpitation, Hypertension or Hypotension, Cholesterol …
* Nerve S: Fibromyalgia, Facial Pain, Headache, Paraplegia, Sciatica, Vertigo…
* Respiratory S: Common cold, Flu-Virus, Chronic Cough/Asthma …
* Raynaud’s Diseases: We cured a Patient Raynaud’s Diseases lately:She took pills for 4-5yrs, no any   result; After Dr. Angela Liu’s Acupuncture trmt for 2-3 months, theRaynaud’s disappeared!
* Sports Medicine: Sports or Dancing injury-Soft tissue,Auto accident …
*Sexual Transmitted Diseases: Shingles (herpes Zoster), Virginal infection…,
*Smoking cessation, Alcohol Addiction, DrugAddiction… Dr. Angela Liu was authorized by Mobile Gov. trained CountyGov. 3 employees apply Acupuncture to treat drug abuse in 2005.
* Stroke, Paralysis, Bell’s palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Multiple Sclerosis(MS)…
* Urinary: Stone, Cystitis, Prostate, Impotence, Emission…
*Weight loss, Woman health: Infertility (woman or man), Menstrual Cramps,Menopause…

678-559-5187 (Open: M. - Sat. By Appointment only)
NewClinic Address:
2863 Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
Duluth, GA 30097
(North View High School /JohnsCreek 1 ml, 120 Left turn 1/2 ml);
(Front of Peachtree Golf , across St. from “Shell” Gasoline Station)


DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2015-12-2 19:27:46

Appreciate people calls for Q!
We accept US major health Insurance:
Aetna, Cigna, BCBS & United HealthCare.
However, if U don't have insurance or your insurance doesn't cover acupuncture, we offer 50% off!
Hurry in! Call Dr. Liu today!

刘医师 Duluth 诊所新张 接收保险, 无保半价。 优惠期延至五月底。Hurry In!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2015-12-2 19:35:50

弃而不捨, 众志成城,
Congratulations, Jay Lin!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-1-5 19:37:14

刘医师 Duluth 诊所新张 接收保险, 无保半价。 优惠期延至12月底。Hurry In!


2863 Peachtree Ind. Blvd.
Duluth, GA 30097

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-5-13 13:52:32

*We accept US major health Insurance:
无保半价, 老人/儿童/学生 大优惠!

* About "Co-Pay":
您的医疗保险即使 Cover 针灸, 您也要交一定的费用, 叫 “Co-Pay".
Co-pay 交多少?
您的保险car 上已印好。 根据您买保险的计划-Plan, 好的Plan, 无需交Copay, 有的 Plan 每次诊疗需交$10 -$50,
最近有一位 Coventry 保险的病人, 其Car 上印的 Copay 是每次治疗交 $75.
请您不要讨价还价, 您Car上印的是多少, 医师就收多少。

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-2-17 20:44:07

Please make an appointment ahead one week. Tks!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-3-27 22:09:19

We appreciate 168 offering update info for
the Atlanta Chinese community!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-3-29 18:32:09

Please pay attention to our
Acupuncture Seminar
The 1st day of Every month.

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-5-30 17:09:02

Please make an appointment ahead one week. Tks!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-5-31 15:53:37

U must meet "Deductible " , So, Insurance will pay your Acupuncture trmt.
How much "Deductible" U should pay.It's deposed onyour "Plan".
At beginner of the yr, Each time U see a Dr. It will forwarding to your Deductible.
If U didn't see any Dr. , U are not meet "Deductible", so, U have to pay What Dr.'s charge.
For details, please call Dr. Angela Liu, she will explain to u with patient.
Call now:
Dr. Angela Liu is the Only Acupuncture Physician who eligible accept health insurance.
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