DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-3-12 18:41:26


www.acuphysician.com   www.wellness.com678-559-5187
针灸奇迹!- 治愈疑难病症“雷诺氏综合症”!

Raynaud's disease Cured by Acupuncture Physician Dr. Angela C Liu (678-559-5187)

By Dr. Angela C Liu, Licensed & Insured Acupuncture Physician by Georgia & Florida Medical Board
我的病人是一位40+ 十分亮丽的美国白人职业妇女,名叫Ellen。 她为了别的病来我处接受中医针灸治疗已有一段时间了。每次皆达到满意的效果。

5年前的一天,她按约来诊。 一进门,第一句话就迫不及待的举手, 叫我看她的左手第4 指。
我回答:”Certainly,This is Raynaud’s Disease, I treated some cases.”      我说:“当然,此乃“雷诺氏综合症”。我正经治愈了几例。”

原来,Ellen 于4年前患了“雷诺氏症”(Raynaud’s Diseases)。一种罕见,难治的疑难病。 每到冬季,手指发白,刺痛;我告诉了她,几年前,在Florida 美国南海滨 GulfCoastArea,那里是亚热带气候,我接收一位25岁的美国白人青年IT工作者,他有三个指头已经溃烂。 如不及时治疗,发展下去,就有截肢的危险!经我认真治疗,避免了前臂截肢的风险! 西医诊断为
”雷诺氏症”- 因最早是Dr.Raynaud报告此病,从而命名。

她经西医治疗4年不见好,每到冬季就犯病。经我独特的IntegrativeMedicine治疗,过了2-3周,一天,她兴高彩烈的举手进来,说:“GoodNews!”我看见她的手指颜色已复原,温热! 我们共同像孩子般跳起来!

我在中国20年/美国20年共40年的中西医结合医疗实践中,治疗了几例此类病人,皆得好结果。被广泛报导。但像此位病人,疗效神速,真有点出乎意外,可见40年的医 令, 是越来越炉火纯青。我们喜出望外! 我愿意把此介绍给大家。

和大多数美国人一样,此患者对中国的传统中医和针灸没有任何概念。 我接收该患后,首先,讲了针灸能治此病的原理,并显示了诊室墙上挂的“乔州针灸执照”及自1993年以来美国多种报纸对我疗效的英文报道。其中,1993年的英文报导是:

“ Acupuncture Dr. Liu Called ‘Guardian Angel’ by Patients”针灸刘医师被病人尊称“上帝的天使”

我说:“Youare NIVER too late to find a Guardian Angel,You are never too late tobegin your new life – Acupuncture!”( 您永不会太晚去发现上帝的天使,您也从来不迟去开始您的新生活-针灸治疗)。 她非常欣赏我的话,高兴地开始了她有生以来的 第一次 --------1st Acupuncture! 我利用我家三代祖传的”温针法+ 火针法“施针,并结合了我家祖传的特殊灸法, 交替治疗,达到温阳,散寒和通脉;
2)   并给了她几个“ExcisesPrescription – 运动处方”   。大家知道,西医给病人“MedicationPrescription – 医药处方”, 而我每看一位病人,一定要给运动处方。因我的中西医结合运动医学是特点。

3) 同时配合我园中种植的新鲜有机中药OrganicFreshHerb内服。
经过5年的严寒冬天, 我的病人未有复发,她的手指恢复了正常肤色,温热不泠,每次她来治疗,要先像孩童般手舞足蹈一会儿,看到我就像见到了救命恩人,令她高兴不已!Ellen的“雷诺氏症 (Raynaud’sDiseases)”疗效是稳定的, 即使2015 冬天亚城严寒20年之最, Atlanta-17度F。 也未见病情逆转。最近2016严寒刺骨,也未犯病。Generally speaking, 5 年未犯病,医学上可以说基本痊愈。
我想, 她因其他小病, 得到我的针灸治疗有了一段时间了, 针灸起到了疏通气血的效果, 所以当她谈到“雷症”时, 我特别专注攻此, 于是就出现了奇迹!她经西医(MD)4年治疗, 服了很多药, 没有疗效!   经我针灸+草药, 中国的传统医学救了她, 免于截指的危险。
中医原理: 四肢为诸阳之末,尤脾阳。 脾气弱,Or脾阳不足,皆不能温四肢;Or兼血瘀,使经脉运行不畅而造成手足冰泠,皮肤发白,发紫,严重的可指尖溃疡,治疗不当要截肢!针灸可温脾阳,运气血,通经络,消寒冷.

她目前还在继续针灸治疗其它小毛病。如您感兴趣,想和她交流,我可以把您和她约在同一时间治疗,我们有足够诊室,可同时接收几位病人。我们不忽悠,我们反对假文欺骗;我们 诚诚实实地为人, 认认真真地看病, 严守医疗道德,不为恶小而为之, 不为善小而不为!


* 以下是该患者给我发的E-Mail,她愿意发表, 来推广中国医学TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine。ToPromote CAM-Complementary & Alternative Medicine.

“Reynauds Syndrome” Cured By Dr. AngelaC Liu’s Acupuncture Physician   
   By Ellen, Atlanta   

Dr Angela C. Liu is an exemplary Acupuncture Physician, licensed by theFlorida and Georgia State Medical Boards as well as the US Nationalcertification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Shehas posted on the wall in her office several newspaper articles lauding herpractice as well as certificates and US Medical degrees that illustrate hervarious accomplishments. I was referred to her by a co-worker several monthsago, and my experiences with Dr. Liu have been extremely positive.
I have enjoyed improvements in several areas, and know that I can rely on herto address most concerns that may arise in the future. Dr. Lius’ treatmentsinclude not only acupuncture, but acupressure and Organic fresh herbsadministered as tea or bath ingredients.

Most recently, Dr Liu's treatment relieved me of a painful condition called“Reynauds Syndrome”. I have suffered from this problem for several years now,but after only one session with Dr. Liu, my fingers no longer turn white andI do not feel that awful burning sensation when the temperature outside dropsbelow 50 degrees Fahrenheit or when I am working with cold water or touchingcold metal. It is remarkable.
It is no wonder Dr. Liu displays such enthusiasm. She knows her acupuncturetreatments work magic on all sorts of physical maladies. Other issues she hassuccessfully treated me for include depression and anxiety as well as skinconditions and sleep problems. I tell everyone I know about Dr Liu, herdelightful bedside manner and the successes I have enjoyed as herpatient.I agreed to publish this topromote Dr. Liu’s Special, Unique medical skill.   
Ellen.Atlanta, 12/20/2013

"雷诺氏综合症" - 是一种以血管神经功能紊乱所引起的肢端小动脉痉挛性疾病,以阵发性四肢肢端(主要是手指)对称的间歇发白,紫绀和潮红为其临床特点,伴以疼痛和感觉异常,并因温暖而恢复正常为特征的血管功能障碍性疾病,多有寒冷、情绪波动及其他诱发因素。最早由Raynaud医生报道得名。多发20-40岁的女性。
Raynaud's diseaseis more than simply having cold hands and cold feet, and it's not the same asfrostbite. Signs and symptoms of Raynaud's depend on the frequency, durationand severity of the blood vessel spasms that underlie the disorder. Raynaud'sdisease symptoms include: Cold fingers and toes。 Sequence of color changes in your skin in response to coldor stress,Numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain upon warming or relief of stress。 Duringan attack of Raynaud's, affected areas of your skin usually turn white at first.Then, the affected areas often turn blue, feel cold and numb, and your sense oftouch is dulled. As circulation improves, the affected areas may turn red,throb, tingle or swell. The order of the changes of color isn't the same forall people, and not everyone experiences all three colors.
Occasionally, an attackaffects just one or two fingers or toes. Attacks don't necessarily alwaysaffect the same digits. Although Raynaud's most commonly affects your fingersand toes, the condition can also affect other areas of your body, such asyour nose, lips, ears and even nipples. An attack may last less than a minuteto several hours.

Acupuncture Physician Dr. Angela C Liu Contact Info:
Tel:   678-559-5187   www.acuphysician.com (Photos & Dr. Liu’s English articles )
Address 1:2863Peachtree Ind. Blvd.Duluth, GA30097(医疗诊病)
Address 2:11379 Southbridge Pkwy.Alpharetta, GA 30022 (移民体检)
美籍/ 执照 / 针灸中医刘春媛医师教授
内外妇儿,五官皮科, 疑难杂症,中西结合,
车祸理赔, 运动损伤,接受保险,请勿愁怅 J
乔/弗二州卫生局执照针灸中医师 (LicensedbyGeorgia& Florida Medical Boards)
* 原中国世界冠军高级中西医师20年;
* 中国高级医师兼教授(据国务院文件)/世界多国讲学教授
* 中国中医研究院多年学者 (北京东直门外海运仓: 骨伤所/针灸所)
* 美国医学硕士学位(奖学金): US, 1995
* 美国杰出人才移民 / 世界银奖医师

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-4-28 17:41:40

您的保险是否 Cover 针灸治疗, 全由您自己拿主意。交钱高, 保险广。
如果您保险不 Cover 针灸, 我们会提供50%的优惠。叫您负担得起。
但,敬请您尊重我们,我们是 Professional health care provider, 希望您不会把价压低到剃头价。

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-5-12 17:03:23

Office Hrs by Appointment, No Walk Ins!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-6-28 18:19:07

Integrative medicine is Practice science.
It isn'tComputer research.
If U don't have certain cases practice, U have to close your mouth.
If U don't have hospital practice, It's better shut up your mouth!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-2-17 20:33:36

Follow up tel communications indicated that this Pt is stable.

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-3-29 17:16:55

This patient has 7 yrs recovered!
It's a miracle!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-7-12 19:54:49

我们的很多病人是美国西医MD治不好的, 被推荐来此。

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-8-5 17:52:14

We are recommended by MD!
We are trust by all patients!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-8-5 19:23:29


DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2017-8-7 14:25:21

We offer Home Visit trmt:
Home Visit fee:$100-$200 (One trip)
Trmt fee:$100-$200 /hr.
Total one trip home visit charges:
About $400/hr.
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