DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-9-26 15:06:49

刘医生领美国团32人(包括西医MDs) 参加全球国际中西医结合大会与美国白宫官员,FDA 官员和哈弗大学学者开会并合影.
(报道见:美国医学英文专业 : “今日针灸” -www.AcupunctureToday.com
"When West Meet East in Doctor's Office -
Report in The 2nd World Congress of Integrative MedicineByDr. Angela Liu

However, 因为刘医生兼中英双语记者, 她在美国和世界主要媒体发了tons中英文章,
我们是刘医生的患者和支持者。拿起笔, 做刀枪, 我们都是正直的美国公民, We do not allow illegal 再嚣张!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-9-27 12:37:38


DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-9-28 12:56:19

We accept all insurance, but, your plan Cover Acupuncture or not, U should contact with Isrc.
We can help U to communicate with your Isrc.

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-9-29 15:49:11

I got a call asked:
Q:Hi, Dr. Liu, my wife is American, can you communication with her in English?
A:Certainly, I was professor teaching MDs in Paris, completely use English since 1987.

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-9-30 16:36:13

最近,接到很多电话, 感谢网友及患者对刘医师的信任和支持。
我们接收美国主要医疗保险。 您的保险是否 Cover Acupuncture, 需要您问讯您的保险计划。
如果您与保险公司交流有困难, 我们可以用流利英语跟您的保险公司交涉。

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-10-2 11:48:54

It takes time to bill insurance, as we have a lot cases need to deal with insurance.
After trmt, please allow time to bill your insurance.At least it may take 1-2months to get reply from Isrc.

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-10-5 16:17:22

Appreciate some one concern about my posts.

I am the Editor of "Acupuncture &Traditional Chinese Medicine" for Atlanta168.com,
I majorly issue Acupuncture & TCM topic, but, no limited.Anything if I am interested, and reader concern about it,
I may issue it.

In another hand, I am physician & journalist by lingual since 1987, I published tons news reports, articles, and books
in US news media.As a journalist, I have right to do so.

This is my right, as Editor, it not violate 168 any rules!This right is offered by Guo Peng, the owner of 168.

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-10-8 13:28:10

Q:Dr. Liu, 3 months ago, I joined a lecture of Acupuncture, the Organizer said that
Ficial Acupuncture doesn't need sterilize, It's true?
A:No. Any part of body need to sterilize before inserting needles,
this is the Rule of Acupuncture, is the Acupuncture Laws for any state in the US & the Whole World!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-10-10 18:23:56

Appreciate patients & friends greatly supporting me!

DrOlympiaLiu 发表于 2016-10-13 10:11:46

Our clinic opens 6 days/week, Sunday by appointment.
Please call 678-559-5187 for your appointment.Tks!
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