cailyn 发表于 2019-2-6 09:51:56


联系方式: 崔女士 电话: 404-635-6106
2012 Black Mercedez CLS550
Noaccident 没有任何事故
Inprestine condition 车内车外都是非常新
V8 Engine
This is a PERFECTLY maintained, TURBO,LOW-Miles car with NO accidents. Everything works as NEW and BEAUTIFUL
This car has all the options: Seat MASSAGE,Night-Vision camera, LED-lit door sills, and in-cabin lighting.
I LOVE this car and truly baby'd it, Always garaged, seat covers(shown inpicture), floor covers.
All scheduled maintenance, records, premium gasoline or even better,non-ethanol gasoline.
Please call me at 404-635-6106

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查看完整版本: 奔驰CLS550级黑色的王者2012年不到3万迈$29500