合欢 发表于 2011-2-10 20:32:01


我十年前成为公民,现在想为妹妹办移民,除了I-130,还要准备那些材料,主要想知道妹妹在国内要准备那些材料。 谢谢。

游客 发表于 2011-2-11 08:29:56


游客 发表于 2011-2-11 09:10:10


游客 发表于 2011-2-11 09:17:32

引用第1楼游客于2011-02-11 08:29发表的:
这个可以自己办吗? images/back.gif

当然了,如果你英文,有自信,有能力,完全可以自己办啊!最大的好处 - 省钱!

游客 发表于 2011-2-11 10:08:45

I did it by myself.save lot of money

Don't need a lawyer.

游客 发表于 2011-2-11 10:19:52

回 4楼(游客) 的帖子

Not only the money, but time as well. The most important part is that everything is under your control.

合欢 发表于 2011-2-11 10:32:17


游客 发表于 2011-2-11 11:01:43

4楼 answer you questions:

Actually,I did it for my two sisters. At first, your sister or 国内亲戚 just need to prepare the notory certificates indicate the family relationship ofyou and your sister or brother (国内亲戚) such as you have the same parents. That is it.

I-130 has instruction for it.

Basically, you just need the I-130, US citizenship certificate,prove of family relation( notory certificate) and application fee. then you can submit it to USCIS.

Good luck!

more qs?

合欢 发表于 2011-2-11 11:11:55

Thanks a lot 4楼 for all the information you provided   !!!

游客 发表于 2011-2-11 11:30:38

4楼 answer your questions in more details:

For other documents or materials (公正材料) such as prove of no crime records, etc, you don't need to prepare now.Becausefirst step you just need to submit I-130 peption for your sister. After you submit your application, there will be a long waiting time. Usually it takes about 1 year for USCIS approve, then approved application materials will be forwarded to US State Department for immigration waiting list. This will take about 10 years waiting time for sisters abd brothers ( half to one year for parents or sons and daughters, because these are immediate relatives, no waiting time). When you get your waiting time, then you can ask your sister or brother to get other documents(公正材料), because USCIS need updated (new) 公正材料. if you do it now, later on you need do it again, it waste money and time. not necessary.

Only thing is: if you did it 10 years again when you just got your US citizenship, now your sister might have got her waiting time now. But never too late!

Am I making myself clear?
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