游客 发表于 2011-10-1 09:08:03


游客 发表于 2011-10-1 09:09:25

回 35楼(匿名) 的帖子

据可靠消息,路边社将在10月2日在珍珠坊提前公布有关iPhone 5信息。

卞人 发表于 2011-10-2 08:00:20

有朋友将分享在外面如何通过smartphone 用电脑上网 (将phone 作为modem). 对经常随时在外用电脑上网的人,Realtor, field sales, 很有用。谢谢老侯!


游客 发表于 2011-10-2 09:35:39


卞人 发表于 2011-10-2 10:06:12

Andoird手机高手Anthony Wong将来分享Android tips. 想学些Android高招儿的朋友不要错过机会! 谢Anthony!

卞人 发表于 2011-10-4 15:49:32

Apple announced new iphone! Not iPhone 5, but iPhone 4S. Features wise, it is pretty much the same as expected except NFC stuff (chip and authentication methods).

Good news to Sprint customers! 4S also available from Sprint.

iPhone 4S Major Freatures:

- Dual-core A5 chip: Twice faster than iPhone 4. 7 times run heavy graphics app (games)
- All-new 8 mp camera optics: Sharper image and HD video, better focus result
- Siri, voice recognition intelligent app: Lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, and    more. Ask Siri to do things just by talking the way you talk
-iOS5 and iCloud: New iOS and Apple Cloud!

游客 发表于 2011-10-4 16:25:43





引用第45楼卞人于2011-10-04 15:49发表的:
Apple announced new iphone! Not iPhone 5, but iPhone 4S. Features wise, it is pretty much the same as expected except NFC stuff (chip and authentication methods).

Good news to Sprint customers! 4S also available from Sprint.

iPhone 4S Major Freatures:
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