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Aesop's Fable

匿名  发表于 2010-7-11 09:52:13 |阅读模式
The Fox and The Crow

  A crow sat in a high tree holding a tasty bit of cheese in her mouth.
Along came a hungry wart hog.
"The crow will laugh when she sees my funny face," he said. "And when she laughs, she'll drop the cheese."
He called to the crow, making a funny face.
But the crow did not even smile. She was enjoying her little game.
Along came a hungry tiger.
"Fly down to me, Crow," coaxed the tiger, sweetly.&quotlease that cheese on my nose, and I'll show you a clever trick."
But the crow did not move. She did not trust that tiger.
Along came a hungry little elephant.
"Drop the cheese to me, Crow," said the elephant,"or I will give you a shower bath!"
But the crow did not drop the cheese, even though WHOOSH!the elephant's trunk sent up a stream of water.
Along came a little bear.
"Drop the cheese to me, you ugly old bird,"called the little brown bird, "and you may have this honey from the bee."
But the crow did not like honey, and she did not drop the cheese.

The crow was about to eat the cheese when along came a cunning little fox.
"Oh beautiful crow, " he called, "you are lovely to see. A bird with such charming feathers must sing a pretty tune.Please sing for me."

Now the crow had never been told she was pretty, although she thought she was.And she had never been told that her voice was pretty.

she opened her beak and rasped an ugly CAAW!
Down tumbled the cheese, into the fox's mouth!

Now wasn't she a silly bird to let that sweet talk fool her?
The country mouse and the city mouse

The Country Mouse lived quietly in the country. One day her friend from the city came to visit her. The Country Mouse was delighted.

"My dear, welcome to the country!" she said. "Do come in!"

Country Mouse asked some friends in for lunch. But the City Mouse did not eat one nibble of the meal Country Mouse served.

"In the city I dine on spice cake and wine," said the city mouse, rather grandly.
"In the city I have a machine that plays music, and I dance on a velvet carpet," said the city mouse.
"Oh, my friend, won't you leave this dull country life behind, and come to the city with me?"
"My, it does sound tempting," said the country mouse.
So the country mouse rode off to the city with her friend.
&quotlease drive slowly,"begged the country mouse.
"Can't hear a word," screamed the city mouse."Isn't it marvelous fun?"

The city mouse's home in the city was beautiful. And such fun to explore! Gaily they raced down the hall.
Suddenly, WHOOF! barked a fierce, angry voice.
"Help! It's the dog!" squeaked the city mouse.
and the two friends ran, shaking with fright.
They slammed the dining-room door, just in time. The poor country mouse almost fainted with fear.
But the city mouse said,"Oh, he chases me all the time. Come on my friend, climb up on the table, beside me. Have you ever seen such food?"
"Never!" gasped the country mouse, still shaking with fright.
There were dainty bits of spice cake, and fine cheese, and even a drop of wine in the glasses.
"OOooh! I'm seeing things," squeaked the country mouse suddently. "I see a cat!"
"It's a cat!"cried the city mouse."Run!Run!"

They slammed the living-room door, just in time.
"Oh!"sobbed the country mouse."I have never been so freightened!"
"Nonsense, you'll get used to it,"said the city mouse.
"There, I've put on the music machine. Would you care to dance?"
Suddenly the door flew open and there was a fearful noise.
"It's the vacuum cleaner!"shrieked the city mouse, "Hold on to that curtain, my friend. Hold tight, or the vacuum will gobble you up!"

At last the dreadful machine left.
And the country mouse began to run.
"My friend, where are you going?" called the city mouse.
"Home, to the country," squeaked the country mouse.
"Goodbye, my friend. Thank you for the very nice time. Oh. Help!Oh!Oh!Oh!"

The country mouse ran through the city. She ran and ran and ran. And she did not stop until she was safe in the quiet green country.

That night she told her gentle friends, "I would rather lead a simple life than dine on riches, and live in fear."

The dog and his bone

A little dog hurried to the stream with a large juicy bone in his mouth. He wanted to eat the bone all by himself. So he ran across a log that bridged the stream.

Then, in the water, he saw a picture of himself. But he thought it was another dog.
"Ah, now I shall have two nice bones to eat." thought the greedy little dog.
He growled, and snapped at the other dog's bone.
SPLASH! His bone fell in the water. And so did he! Now he had nothing to eat.

Greedy-greedy makes a hungry puppy!


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