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楼主: 浮子

登石山 浮子,诗酒,游子,美翼,莲花,杨子,阿保

匿名  发表于 2011-10-19 22:22:21
引用第49楼浮子于2011-10-19 21:15发表的  :

嘿嘿! 阿保,旅途可好,感触一定很多吧?游记何时刊出啊?
感触最深的是 Montréal 很有欧洲风格,文化和建筑皆一流,到处是酒吧和餐馆,据说在法语世界仅次于巴黎,可能是北美最好的欧洲式城巿。













发表于 2011-10-19 22:49:51 | 显示全部楼层

回 50楼(游客) 的帖子



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匿名  发表于 2011-10-20 09:24:33


匿名  发表于 2011-10-20 11:24:59

Re:回 50楼(游客) 的帖子

引用第51楼霜雕红叶于2011-10-19 22:49发表的 回 50楼(游客) 的帖子 :







匿名  发表于 2011-10-20 20:07:57

回 53楼(游客) 的帖子

Sweet Potato Ranks Number One In Nutrition

According to nutritionists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the single most important dietary change for most people, including children, would be to replace fatty foods with foods rich in complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes.

CSPI ranked the sweet potato number one in nutrition of all vegetables. With a score of 184, the sweet potato outscored the next highest vegetable by more than 100 points. Points were given for content of dietary fiber, naturally occurring sugars and complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. Points were deducted for fat content (especially saturated fat), sodium, cholesterol, added refined sugars and caffeine. The higher the score, the more nutritious the food.

Sweet potato, baked 184
Potato, baked 83
Spinach 76
Kale 55
Mixed Vegetables 52
Broccoli 52
Winter Squash, Baked 44
Brussels Sprouts 37
Cabbage, Raw 34
Green Peas 33
Carrot 30
Okra 30
Corn on the Cob 27
Tomato 27
Green Pepper 26
Cauliflower 25
Artichoke 24
Romaine Lettuce 24

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington D.C. copyright 1992



匿名  发表于 2011-10-20 20:24:32

回 54楼(游客) 的帖子


1. Sweet potatoes can boost immunity 
- Being very rich in beta carotene, which is a major antioxidant, apart from vitamin-C and B-complex, iron and phosphorus present in them, sweet potatoes are excellent immunity boosters. Regular consumption of sweet potatoes strengthens the body's immune system and develop resistance to infection.

2.Sweet potatoes can prevent arteriosclerosis 
- Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries.Regularly consuming vitamin C retards the development of hardening of the arteries.
Sweet potatoes can help cure and prevent these types of cancers: colon, intestines, prostrate, kidneys - Beta-carotene, the champion antioxidant and anti-carcinogen, the pigments responsible for the color of the peel of the sweet potatoes and vitamin-C, are very beneficial for curing many types of cancer, mainly those of colon, intestines, prostrate, kidneys and other internal organs.

3. Sweet potatoes can help prevent heart disease 
- Sweet potato is an amazing source of fiber, potassium and other nutrients that have been shown to prevent heart disease. One study showed that eating just two sweet potatoes a week may cut your risks of suffering a heart attack by as much as 86%.

4. Sweet potatoes can help lower cholesterol 
- A study showed that eating sweet potatoes could lower LDL cholesterol by as much as 29%.

5.Sweet potatoes can help improve eyesight 
- Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, which is great for the eyes. Vitamin A, along with other antioxidants, helps prevent night blindness, cataracts, macular degeneration and more.

6. Sweet potatoes can help prevent depression 
- Sweet potatoes help to stabilize blood sugar levels and this makes sweet potato a natural antidepressant. When your blood sugar is stabilized, your mood is steadier and calmer. Eating a sweet potato can keep you feeling energized and elevate your mood for as many as three hours afterward. Sweet potato is also rich in vitamin B9, or Folate. Folate is an essential support for your brain's ability to produce the neurotransmitters that regulate mood, as well as other vital bodily functions.

7. Sweet potatoes are good for people with diabetes 
- Diabetics can eat sweet potatoes without worry as sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index. The glycemic index of a food reflects the food's effects on a person's blood glucose level. Fast glucose absorption, a rise in blood sugar and its resulting dive happens with high-glycemic foods and is not desirable. It's better for the body to slowly absorb any gluclose, sustain a moderate rise in sugar levels and experience a gradual return to the regular level. Since white potatoes, rice and flour have a high glycemic rating, diabetics will benefit from eating sweet potatoes instead.

8. Sweet potatoes can help relieve asthma 
- The sweet potato is effective in curing congestion of nose, bronchi and lungs, thereby giving relief in asthma. Its typical aroma helps in this.
Sweet potatoes can help cure bronchitis - The concentration of vitamin-C, iron and other nutrients help curing bronchitis. The sweet potatoes are believed to be capable of warming up the body (may be due to the sweetness and other nutrients). This property also is beneficial in bronchitis, apart from its property to ease congestion.

9. Sweet potatoes can help prevent emphysema 
- Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A, and cigarette smoke creates a deficiency of this vitamin. This deficiency may be one of the causes of emphysema and other health problems to the lungs. Smokers and people who inhale second-hand smoke should include in their daily diet foods high in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes.

10. Sweet potatoes can help cure arthritis and help reduce arthritis pain 
- Beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc and vitamin-B complex, among others, make sweet potato a helping hand to cure arthritis. The water in which the sweet potatoes are boiled can be applied externally on joints too to ease pain in arthritis.

11. Sweet potatoes can help digestion
 - The fiber content of sweet potatoes is higher than that of common potatoes and it tastes good too. When these two factors are combined with other minerals like magnesium present in sweet potatoes, it makes an excellent facilitator for digestion. Sweet potatoes are easy to digest too, since they mainly contain starch. They are soothing for the stomach and intestines too.

12. Sweet potatoes can help prevent and cure stomach ulcers 
- Sweet potato has a soothing effect on the stomach and intestines. The vitamins (B-complex and C), beta carotene, potassium and calcium are very effective in curing stomach ulcers. Moreover, the roughage in sweet potatoes prevents constipation and resultant acid formation, thereby reducing the chance of ulcers. The anti- inflammatory and soothing properties of sweet potatoes also reduce the pain and inflammation of the ulcers.

13. Sweet potatoes can help fetal development 
- The high folate content is important and necessary for healthy fetal cell and tissue development.

14. Sweet potatoes can prevent muscle cramps
 - A deficiency in potassium can cause muscular cramps and greater susceptibility to injury. Make sweet potatoes a regular part of your diet if you exercise a lot, both for an energy boost and to prevent cramps and injuries.

15. Sweet potatoes can help relieve stress
 - When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, causing the body potassium levels to be reduced. By snacking on the potassium-packed sweet potatoes, it helps to re-balance the vital mineral, and helps normalize the heartbeat. This in turn sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the body's water balance.

16.Sweet potatoes can help you lose weight 
- One of the health benefits the sweet potato is having the lowest glycemic index among root veggies because it digests very slowly, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar which helps you feel full longer. It's time to move sweet potatoes to the "good" carb list. Many of the most popular diets these days have already.


匿名  发表于 2011-10-22 08:56:51


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