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好人郭半城,能否再谈谈 Clear/MagicJack/Italkbb

匿名  发表于 2010-1-12 18:21:40 |阅读模式
记得郭半城上次谈过一次 Clear,答案好像是负面的,用用还是把它退掉了。现在广告铺天盖地的来,Clear 的条幅也随处可见,最近还有一些老中加入了推销的行列,看寄来的广告,价钱比 AT & T 的便宜。反正是在家里用,就不管它在全国的覆盖范围了。就不知道实际用起来好不好用,速度如何?是否稳定等。是否和你当时测试时有所改进?

我现在用的是 AT & T 的电话和 Internet ,现在大多时间都是用手机,家里电话多数都是广告,可否把 At & T 退掉,转用 Clear 的 Internet ?

也请 168 上的能人指点迷津。谢谢!


匿名  发表于 2010-1-12 22:19:16
大概6个人向我推销clear, 全是多年不联络的不熟人









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发表于 2010-1-12 22:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: 您好! 我上次谈的Clear情况在这:

我把clear退掉了, 但是在一些老中的建议下我又加入了clear的行列。 如果你家有clear的信号,恭喜您, 用吧。 它的下载速度很快, 比DSL下载速度快, 但是它的上传速度极限是每秒1兆bits。上传速度比Cable慢。 我要常常上传图片视频,所有我还有Cable。

Clear可能要您签2年合同。您可以把我的Clear盒子借去试用1,2天,再决定要不要clear。您可点击上面的“给老郭发短信” 与我联系。

我极力鼓励您把AT & T 的电话退掉! 我至少在1年前把ATT退了, 安装了“no-voice dsl", 也叫 ”naked dsl".  用ItalkBB 打电话。最近cable on sale, $20/month, 于是退了dsl, 安装了cable。 还是用 italkbb 的电话 $6.99/月。接电话不要钱,拨出每分钟0.02.  可以收发传真。 我还有MagicJack, 每月不到3美元, 无限拨打美加, 但不能发传真, 也不能把你的老号码转过来。

我把AT & T 的电话退掉, 换成italkbb, 月费从$37 降到$6:


I have DSL internet.  The $37 / month was from ATT (without 3-way calling).

The $6 /month is with ItalkBB’s $4.99 /month IP phone service with $0.02 /minute to US, Canada or China and many other countries.   

Since I have a cell phone with a plan that unlimited calls after 9 and during weekends, so I seldom use home phone to call out, I only receive about 50 minutes call in my home # in a month.

Besides ItalkBB, many other IP phone may work the same way. I tested MagicJack IP phone, but MagicJack would not work for a house. For MagicJack, it is not strong enough to power all phone ports in whole house, unless you like to use cordless phone, also you have to keep your PC on all the time in order to use MagicJack.

For ItalkBB, it can power all phone ports and no need for the PC on.

You must have high speed internet to use ItalkBB or any other IP Phone

Following is my experices with my ItalkBB:

Call 1-877-482-5522 (open 24/7), to get the ItalkBB service.

In about one week, you will receive your own box. Test it for a day or two, if no good return for 30 day money back guarantee.

If the box is good, sign a paper authorize ItalkBB  to get your home number from current provider to Italkbb. It will take about 2 weeks to get your home number transferred to ItalkBB

That’s all for Cable internet users

For ATT DSL users,  to make sure you will not miss a single day’s internet, do not sign the transfer paper yet, you need to call ATT 888-757-6500 to order a “Direct no voice DSL”. It will take about one week for ATT to get the Direct DSL for you.

As soon as you get the “Direct no voice DSL”, test the new DSL. if works, then sign a paper authorize ItalkBB  to get your home number from current provider to Italkbb.

That’s all. Enjoy calling!

My lessons: I signed the transfer paper first before I ordered the Direct DSL, after my old DSL is gone, my new Direct DSL would not work for two days. Reasons: 1. An outside wire was messed up. (they used a difffrent line than old DSL line and they came fixed for free),

The good news: AT&T gave me about one month free for my DSL trouble。

One drawback: Even fax works very well,  but my realtor agent key would not update using the ItalkBB phone line. I called the agent key company, and they gave me a key using internet for free – problem solved.

We are very happy with our new Italkbb phone while my IP TV, and internet is on, and our conclusion is that the sound quality is good, and the price is very good, and saved us about $30 / month for phone service.

ItalkBB also gives a China toll free number for people in China to make calls to you and you pay only $0.02/minute.

I also tested the Caller ID, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, 3-way Calling, and voicemail. They all work well. The voicemail is also converted to a wave file sending to my email.

I cut the ATT's phone wire to my house, and of course I did not touch my DSL wires, then I connected a phone line from ItalkBB box to the phone jack in the wall, so all jacks in my whole house have IP phone service with the internet service untouched. For DSL, you have to cut the wire; otherwise the 5 to 12 volts voltage from phone wire may damage the IP box. So if you have cable internet, then it is easier.

I tested the fax receiving/sending and they are good.

Italkbb gives me a temporary phone number.  You just need to fax an authorization paper for ItalkBB to transfer your old home phone to ItalkBB. ItalkBB will contact ATT to transfer your phone # and cancel your phone service from ATT.

I can use the ItalkBB box to make receive phone calls anywhere where it has Internet service.   

Note: Keep the shipping/packing material well. If you want to return, they want the original packing. If you lost the IP phone, they charge you $59.

"MagicJack" is about $3/month with unlimited calls to US and Canada and you can get a local number such as 770 ..

"ItalkBB" is $4.99/month with $0.02/minute to US or China and you can get a local # such as 678 ...

Hope my 2 cents helps you save money.

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匿名  发表于 2010-1-12 22:48:11
老郭可是搞推销的。 过去还是老军医呢


匿名  发表于 2010-1-12 23:14:31



匿名  发表于 2010-1-12 23:56:30
老郭,好人那。买clear, 请找老郭


匿名  发表于 2010-1-13 00:03:46

亚城有 168 这么一个好的信息沟通交流平台,真是方便不少。

下面把 AT & T 为留住座机客户而减账单事,贴上来和大家分享。

我现在每月的电话账单是 $66.88 ( Home phone 28.93, DSL Xtreme 37.95) ,今天打电话给 at & t 客服部,表示有取消座机只留 DSL 的意思,客服人员马上说现在刚好有促销,在取消座机 DSL 每月变成 $42.95 的基础上,只要再加 $5.00 ,就可以有座机服务,我一时也没弄明白,还是客服人员“聪明”,解释说,我给你换一下计划,你每月就可比现在的账单省 $20.00。要我等十分钟,回来告诉我,说老板同意了,我也就先把它换了,看下个月账单来了,到底能省多少。

和我情况类似的朋友,如嫌换 Clear 或 Cable 、iTalkbb 等麻烦,也可试试这个方法,先省下一点再说。

对 Clear 我还是有兴趣,那天过去向老郭同志把盒子借来体验一下。


匿名  发表于 2010-1-13 11:01:28
cable internet 20/m only first 6 months, after that will be 60/m!!!!!!!!!!


匿名  发表于 2010-1-13 11:36:07
郭好人,请教一下Italkbb的事情。 我现在的情况是,住在Duluth的公寓里, 无Home Phone,只有T-mobile的Cell Phone家庭计划,家里用Clear上网,可否办理Italkbb呢?Italkbb是不是用座机的?他的客服电话1-877-482-5522有没有中文服务的。谢谢


匿名  发表于 2010-1-13 12:25:47
大家千万别上ItalkBB的当. 我就是上当者之一. ITALKBB刚开始用还好,过几个月以后就越来越不行.老断线. 要三几分钟重挂一次. 等到你发现不行,你的合同上的款还得按月照交.  还真不如Magic Jack. 又省钱又可靠.


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