游客 发表于 2012-11-13 10:07:10

引用第8楼weiqi于2012-11-12 23:17发表的:

What you post here will mislead people. That is why I want to warm people to be careful for those 欺骗 postings.

游客 发表于 2012-11-13 10:09:49

引用第9楼游客于2012-11-13 07:55发表的:
这个行业存在没不代表从事这个行业的人都是好人。就这个公司而言,2%过高了,是有欺骗之嫌。 images/back.gif

好人? You are kidding me. If those people could share the risks, they are 好人! Could these people be dare to reimburse half of the trade loss if there are any!!!!

游客 发表于 2012-11-13 10:12:56

引用第8楼weiqi于2012-11-12 23:17发表的:

I do think you may try to benefit from the posting. If this is the case, you are doing 欺骗 too. You will lose all your own credential in 168.

游客 发表于 2012-11-13 10:18:11

欺骗 postings

I do not think you could 欺骗 people who do not need 风险提示. Who you could欺骗 are the people who do not know the risks and who do need 风险提示!

游客 发表于 2012-11-13 13:51:03

Ding 12lou !
I do think you may try to benefit from the posting. If this is the case, you are doing 欺骗 too. You will lose all your own credential in 168.

Yes, WQ has been lose ALL credential in 168 already.

游客 发表于 2012-11-13 15:11:51

我个人认为WQ不会有意欺骗,况且WQ 在168上也不是一天两天了,大家有目共睹。WQ, 5楼的话你好像没有太听懂。如果是你的分析结果你不闷声也没问题,但这种公司多如牛毛,不说是全是骗人的,但基本上是疯狂趋利的,况且2%是SEC对基金收费所规定的上限,正经八百的Mutual Fund通常没有收这么高的。 你没必要为他们这样背黑锅。你说呢?

Zorro 发表于 2012-11-13 15:18:08



这几个人,包括围棋在内,都缺乏Common Sense. 有哪个敢收24%一年?神经病了?你看到2%就应该想到可能是每年而不是每月,就应该去原文的地方确认一下。


游客 发表于 2012-11-13 15:31:24

Don't know WQ at all, but just it seems that WQ didn't put him in other people's shoes.


so 2%/m fee is 交易爱好者了解的行业规则?maybe, but definitely not the one most investors / speculators can stomach.

If you are simply telling people such firms/industry are out there, can be one of the options, that would not bea problem with most people. Just the way/tone you say it make it sound like one of the better options (just my option).

weiqi 发表于 2012-11-13 15:33:30

回 16楼(Zorro) 的帖子

Thanks. I did not read the policy carefully and thought about monthly 2% too.
So The company monthly charges up to 2% a year .
What ever, the rate of charge Fund manager/broker is NOT my business ( hehehe, I hope I am the boss ).
Do these guys have commond scense ?

游客 发表于 2012-11-13 15:45:40

Re:回 16楼(Zorro) 的帖子

引用第18楼weiqi于2012-11-13 15:33发表的 回 16楼(Zorro) 的帖子 :
Thanks. I did not read the policy carefully and thought about monthly 2% too.
So The company monthly charges up to 2% a year .
What ever, the rate of charge Fund manager/broker is NOT my business ( hehehe, I hope I am the boss ).
Do these guys have command scense ?images/back.gif

〉〉Do these guys have command scense ?

that is funny, are you saying, from now on for each and every article WQ posts, we have to wait for Zorro to check out the "command scense" first before commenting?
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