davidhe 发表于 2013-12-12 00:17:20


    一月,搬入后3日,讲中央空调坏,当时也想,太旧就搬一台全新,要5000美元,2个星期后我去查房,屋整洁,还好有礼貌.就须便查crawl basement,唉,,,,,排污管穿了个孔,洗衣水,厨房污水全流入crawl basement.我补了孔,我用一个半月,挖一条排水沟,我
    三月,快到1号.我还专程去问,房有什么问题吗?没有.到1号,收租时,讲二问题,1冰箱坏,2浴缸阻塞.还 接了当讲,明天不来收理好,我叫别人,费用在下个月租金减,冰箱问题,造冷室与保鲜室间孔有冰塞了,冷气过不了保鲜室,所以保鲜室不冷.浴缸排水管有头
      另一问题,热水器点火线人为磨坏绝胶皮.问题三,他们在浴缸底排水口边做一个小孔.问题四,1号开煤气我crawl basement开锁,因煤气公司人要入开暖气,后来上锁发现,有人剪开一条暖气管,通向厨房的,还有厨房的窗口玻璃烂了一片,厨房的玻璃推门关不了口.解决了所有问题,今月初他们交了租. 我还发现,和我签约女没有隹在出租房.她妈与她妹,她妹的儿子隹.但原在她讲,她妹搬走,她搬入隹.

游客 发表于 2013-12-12 08:16:48

I feel sorry for you. So many people gave up decent jobs in China, including county governors, CEOs, came to this strange land. renting houses, doing a repairs. Look at Atlanta, so many of them have Ph.ds from big universities. They are all selling houses, repairing floors, cleaning bathrooms, roofs, What a shame!

Why do something significant to the society? inventions, patent to prevent pollution in China.
I hope that those people should move to the right direction.

游客 发表于 2013-12-12 08:35:53

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davidhe 发表于 2013-12-12 08:36:19

thank your opinion,I don't complaint anything, I just want to know how can I do right now ,the tenant is really bad.

游客 发表于 2013-12-12 08:39:52

Hey there is nothing wrong to immigrant to a free country, even you have to start from scratch. However the America dream requires your hard work just like every other country in a free world. For most of us, you have to be well prepared, particularly in English language. The better prepared, the more opportunities. The key to a professional job is American education, I mean you need to go to school and obtain a professional education in this country to be recognized by the society.This is still a land of opportunities. There are so many stories of success, but every story has its sweat in it. Again do hard work and get what you need to move up, you will get there. Where there is a will, there is a way.

游客 发表于 2013-12-12 08:42:44


游客 发表于 2013-12-12 08:42:58

Terminate the lease. Tell them that house needs general repair before it can be rented out. Give them 30 days notice. Then evict them

davidhe 发表于 2013-12-12 08:48:23

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Anonymous 发表于 2013-12-12 08:49:48




davidhe 发表于 2013-12-12 08:50:21

回 6楼(游客) 的帖子

can I end the lease by myself?
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