飞鱼 发表于 2019-12-8 21:21:15

南希·埃舍尔 子虚乌有的指控

http://www.chinafxj.cn/bgt/zgqi/tt/201912/08/W020191208561730372810.jpg  “我们确实在社会上听到了这样的噪音,但我们是比较相信中国的。我们非常了解中国在过去几年的历史,中国现在也在进行相关的医疗改革,它在不断进步。其实我觉得我们在反驳谣言上真的是浪费了非常多的时间,而这确实是一个子虚乌有的指控。”
  Nancy Asher (immediate Past President of TTS):"In our international community, we heard noises, but we have being here several times, we really support China. We all know China history, but there is reform.Respond such incredible false paper is a waste of your time."
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