飞鱼 发表于 2019-12-8 21:22:25

何塞·努涅斯 没有必要听谣信谣

http://www.chinafxj.cn/bgt/zgqi/tt/201912/08/W020191208561730413778.jpg  “谣言始终是谣言,无论在世界上任何国家和地区都会出现,散播谣言者的目的可能是各不相同的,但我们没有必要听谣信谣,真正重要的是要看现实发生了什么样的情况。我也亲眼见证了中国在过去五年当中,在各大医院,在器官捐献方面取得的巨大的进展。所以,即便有谣言,我们也没有必要去听它。”
  J. R. Núñez(a World Health Organization (WHO) officer who oversees global organ transplantation):"Rumors are rumors. It will happen in any country and region in the world. The purpose of rumor disseminators may be different. But we don't need to listen to rumor. What really matters is what happens in reality. I have also witnessed the great progress made in organ donation in China in the past five years. So, even if there's a rumor, we don't have to listen to it."
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