楼主 |
发表于 2013-10-5 10:56:30
引用第1楼游客于2013-10-04 18:12发表的 :
请问新建房:有没有盖厨房有隔间的,适合华人--用厨房有强大油烟 ,(不是open kitchen)?
提供一些小方法:Cleaning tile counters and backsplashes
Because tile countertops and backsplashes in the kitchen are exposed to the greases produced by cooking, these can be toughest to clean. A 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water, followed by a scrubbing with baking soda and a rag or a scrub brush, should remove most of the buildup. For icky, sticky stains, use Goo Gone. Let it sit for a few minutes and the sticky spot should wipe away easily. If the tile surfaces aren't exposed to water or grease, dusting the tiles weekly will do.这是老美的方法,清洁剂在homedepot可以买到。
防油渍:可以在经过清理干净的背墙上涂上一层至三层无色透明的Tile sealer,(各种品牌homedepot有售),可以防止油渍渗透到背墙里,易于每日厨房的清洁。也可以这样,按照炉灶背墙的尺寸和形状,自己动手做一个薄片架子,贴上烤肉用的锡箔纸,档在炉灶背墙上,炒菜的油渍就不会溅到背墙上了,也不用擦了,过一段时间换一下锡箔纸即可。
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