郭朋,亚特兰大助人为乐的知名爱心人士,携妻子胡秋苹和次女丹娜在新西兰旅游,不幸于4月18日惨遭重大车祸,22岁女儿丹娜当场遇难,郭朋与妻子重伤,至今仍在重症监护室救治。郭朋虽已苏醒但面临瘫痪危险,郭朋太太胡秋苹仍然深度昏迷。 | |
噩耗传来,震惊了整个华人社区!成百上千同胞、朋友扼腕叹息、悲泪奔涌。亚特兰大侨界立即成立了援助委员会,迅速与郭朋亲属、驻新西兰使领馆以及当地侨界取得联系;同时,在亚特兰大地区具体部署了详尽的援助方案。 | |
郭朋与妻子将面临巨额医疗费用,其家庭今后的生活亦将面临巨大困难!同胞惨遭横祸,急需大家伸出援手!郭朋家庭援助委员会谨此向同胞们朋友们郑重呼吁:请伸出你的援手,几十、一百,三百、五百……,集腋成裘,众志成城,来帮助我们的遇难同胞! | |
滴水之恩当涌泉相报,长期以来,郭朋对同胞和社区的帮助和贡献岂止是滴水,而是涓涓溪流!每当同胞、朋友有难,他总是有求必应。他无数次义务帮人修理居家用具、设施;他和他经营的网站在各种领域免费为同胞提供各种资讯、咨询;十几年如一日,不辞辛劳,为亚城华人和华人社团提供了大量的帮助,光是社区活动照片和录像就拍摄、提供了数万张(段);亚特兰大历史上的几次大型救助募捐,他的168网站亦起到了巨大作用,做出了不可磨灭的贡献!最近我们还获悉,他曾经独自一人自费探访贫困山区,自己并不富裕,却贡献出不菲的捐款帮助贫困学生维持学业!多年来郭朋被大家公认为亚城的杰出爱心人士! | |
同胞们,朋友们,同胞之情血浓于水,让我们伸出慷慨援助之手来帮助我们的亲人同胞吧!我们已正式设立了捐助帐户。我们代表郭朋全家,代表亚特兰大侨界衷心感谢你! | |
涓涓细流汇成浩瀚的湖海,颗颗爱心撑起希望的天空,我们的爱心与郭朋及家人同在!郭朋和家人与我们同在! |
郭朋家庭援助Bank Deposit捐款名单: http://www.atlanta168.com/forum/read.php?tid=34886
郭朋家庭援助Paypal捐款名单: http://www.atlanta168.com/forum/read.php?tid=35106
(捐款不可以减税Donation is NOT tax deductible under any state or federallaw)
3245 Peachtree Parkway, Suite D-456 |
3. 电汇 (Direct Deposit)或银行转账 |
Email to Notify Recipient |
Wire Routing Transit Number: |
Wire Routing Transit Number: |
Donor Acknowledgement and Agreement |
Background: On April 18, 2016, Guo Peng and his family were involved in a serious accident in New Zealand. Guo Peng and his wife received permanent and incapacitating injuries that will result in loss of ability to earn a living and will, therefore, require lifelong financial support. Leaders of the Atlanta Chinese community formed a Guo Family Support Group ("Group")and has asked for financial donations for the benefit of Guo Peng and his family("Beneficiary"). A trust, Trust For Guo Family ("Trust), has been set up for the specific purpose of receiving financial donations for the Beneficiary. |
I, as Donor, hereby give, or pledge to give, $ (entered amount) in US Dollars("Donation") to the Trust and acknowledge and agree to the following: |
1. My Donation is a pure gift, out of love and affection, for the sole purpose of supporting the financial needs of Guo Peng and his family. It is not a loan, payment, compensation or consideration of any nature. I attach no conditions or requirements and do not expect any benefits, interests or dividends, return or payback, even when Guo Peng and his wife regain their ability to earn a living. |
2. The Trust has the sole control, ownership and possession of my Donation and has the sole discretion to disburse funds or exercise other rights with regard to my Donation and any funds in the Trust. |
3. Any fiduciary duties (including any accounting of funds) on the part of the trustees are toward Beneficiary. The trustees owe no fiduciary duties to me. I do not have standing and waive any legal right to sue the Trust, its trustees, the Beneficiary, any members of the Group or any other donors, for accounting or otherwise. |
4. My Donation is NOT tax deductible under any state or federal law. |
5. I made my Donation voluntarily. I relied on no promises, inducements or undue influences from any person or entity. |
6. This acknowledgement and agreement will cover any future monetary gifts I make to the Trust. |
7. I have read the above languages and have understood them before I made my Donation. |
8. Clicking the submission button or filling out the online pledge form constitutes my electronic signature. |