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匿名  发表于 2010-10-22 10:57:16 |阅读模式
有喜爱歌剧的同好吗,这周6可在亚城影院看现场大都会歌剧演出。明天上演 Boris Godunov ( 日场12pm) 和 La Boheme.(晚场8pm)  都是很棒的曲目。若有兴趣,可以和我联系,一同观看。我的电话240-994-7478. Wayne


匿名  发表于 2010-10-22 12:53:14

La Bohème
Composer: Giacomo Puccini

ACT I. Paris, Christmas Eve, c. 1830. In their Latin Quarter garret, the painter Marcello and poet Rodolfo try to keep warm by burning pages from Rodolfo's latest drama. They are joined by their comrades — Colline, a young philosopher, and Schaunard, a musician who has landed a job and brings food, fuel and funds. But while they celebrate their unexpected fortune, the landlord, Benoit, arrives to collect the rent. Plying the older man with wine, they urge him to tell of his flirtations, then throw him out in mock indignation. As the friends depart for a celebration at the nearby Café Momus, Rodolfo promises to join them soon, staying behind to finish writing an article. There is another knock: a neighbor, Mimì, says her candle has gone out on the drafty stairs. Offering her wine when she feels faint, Rodolfo relights her candle and helps her to the door. Mimì realizes she has dropped her key, and as the two search for it, both candles are blown out. In the moonlight the poet takes the girl's shivering hand, telling her his dreams. She then recounts her solitary life, embroidering flowers and waiting for spring. Drawn to each other, Mimì and Rodolfo leave for the café.

ACT II. Amid shouts of street hawkers, Rodolfo buys Mimì a bonnet near the Café Momus before introducing her to his friends. They all sit down and order supper. A toy vendor, Parpignol, passes by, besieged by children. Marcello's former lover, Musetta, enters ostentatiously on the arm of the elderly, wealthy Alcindoro. Trying to regain the painter's attention, she sings a waltz about her popularity. Complaining that her shoe pinches, Musetta sends Alcindoro to fetch a new pair, then falls into Marcello's arms. Joining a group of marching soldiers, the Bohemians leave Alcindoro to face the bill when he returns.

ACT III. At dawn on the snowy outskirts of Paris, a Customs Officer admits farm women to the city. Musetta and revelers are heard inside a tavern. Soon Mimì walks by, searching for the place where the reunited Marcello and Musetta now live. When the painter emerges, she pours out her distress over Rodolfo's incessant jealousy. It is best they part, she says. Rodolfo, who has been asleep in the tavern, is heard, and Mimì hides; Marcello thinks she has left. The poet tells Marcello he wants to separate from his fickle sweetheart. Pressed further, he breaks down, saying Mimì is dying; her ill health can only worsen in the poverty they share. Overcome, Mimì stumbles forward to bid her lover farewell as Marcello runs back into the tavern to investigate Musetta's raucous laughter. While Mimì and Rodolfo recall their happiness, Musetta quarrels with Marcello. The painter and his mistress part in fury, but Mimì and Rodolfo decide to stay together until spring.

ACT IV. Some months later, Rodolfo and Marcello lament their loneliness in the garret. Colline and Schaunard bring a meager meal. The four stage a dance, which turns into a mock fight. The merrymaking is ended when Musetta bursts in, saying Mimì is downstairs, too weak to climb up. As Rodolfo runs to her, Musetta tells how Mimì has begged to be taken to her lover to die. While Mimì is made comfortable, Marcello goes with Musetta to sell her earrings for medicine, and Colline leaves to pawn his cherished overcoat. Alone, Mimì and Rodolfo recall their first days together, but she is seized with coughing. When the others return, Musetta gives Mimì a muff to warm her hands and prays for her life. Mimì dies quietly, and when Schaunard discovers she is dead, Rodolfo runs to her side, calling her name.

-- courtesy of Opera News


匿名  发表于 2010-10-22 13:18:32

a synopsis of the play by Alexander Pushkin

This document was originally published in Minute History of the Drama. Alice B. Fort & Herbert S. Kates. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1935. p. 87.

Purchase Boris Godunov

IVAN, THE TERRIBLE, was followed on the Russian throne by his weak-minded son, Feodor. This necessitated the establishment of a Regency to which the already powerful noble, Boris Godunov, was appointed. Not satisfied with being the virtual ruler of Russia, Boris contrived the death of Feodor's younger brother, Dimitri, and in due time, actually succeeded in making himself Czar of Russia.

For several years Boris sat more or less securely on the Russian throne. But gradually whispers of the true fate of Dimitri began to be noised about, and at last reached the ears of an ambitious young monk named Gregory. This young man immediately realized that the murdered Dimitri would have been practically the same age as himself. He knew, too, that the Poles were only waiting for an excuse to cross the Russian frontier in an aggressive war. So he decided to risk his life and fortune on a bold impersonation of the slain Prince and a claim to the Russian throne, knowing full well that Boris Godunov would not dare produce proofs of the boy's death.

Biding his time, he managed to escape from the monastery. Successfully eluding pursuit, he crossed the frontier and presented himself and his claims to the leaders of the Polish nobility, who, as he had foreseen, received him with open arms. So it came about that in a short space of time, the Pretender, Gregory, at the head of a large and powerful Polish army, invaded Russia intent on establishing his fraudulent claim to the Russian throne.

Meanwhile a whole series of disasters had been plaguing Boris Godunov. Famine and pestilence had stripped the land. His throne, never too secure, had been made less so by the incessant plotting of the nobles against him. Worst of all, advancing age and the continuous struggles had weakened Boris, both in mind and will. When the news was brought to him that the Pretender was actually on Russian soil and advancing toward the Russian capital, a vision of the murdered Prince arose before him and he realized that the time of retribution was at hand.

For an old man so weakened in mind and body, the supposed reappearance of the slain boy was too great a shock. There in the council chamber in the presence of his nobles he swooned and, conscience-stricken and contrite, died while the army of the Pretender was still far from the Russian capital.

The play was written in 1825, but for political reasons was refused production.


匿名  发表于 2010-10-23 07:28:33


匿名  发表于 2010-10-23 07:34:56

这是La Boheme第一幕咪咪唱的花腔女高音咏叹调,由已故的希腊歌剧女王玛丽娅。卡莱斯1974年在日本演唱。WAYNE


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