专业小提琴课程: 面向儿童和成人的私人课程
Larisa Morgulis女士是一名小提琴家,受过俄罗斯小提琴学校古典传统的训练,拥有超过25年的教学和表演经验。她拥有Odessa音乐学院(乌克兰)的音乐和表演博士学位。 Morgulis女士曾与欧洲和美国的管弦乐队合作,包括歌剧和芭蕾舞团,以及在乌克兰,俄罗斯和美国的交响乐团(包括波士顿交响乐团和亚特兰大交响乐团)。
每年,Morgulis女士的学生都会赢得全国各大青年交响乐团的比赛,包括国家青年交响乐团,亚特兰大青年交响乐团,大都会青年交响乐团,Emory青年交响乐团和All State交响乐团。 Morgulis女士的很多学生在伯克利(Berkeley)音乐学院,Peabody学院和其他着名机构继续学习音乐深造。最近,她的一名学生获得了著名的格莱美奖(Grammy Award)。
Larisa Morgulis女士喜欢与各级学生一起工作,并向年轻一代分享她的小提琴专业知识。请致电 678.549.8508 联系Morgulis女士,探索美妙的小提琴世界。 Morgulis女士在乔治亚州的 Johns Creek授课。
ViolinLessons - Privateinstruction for children and adults.
Learnclassical violin. Gain a solid foundation in technique. Get help inpreparing for auditions.
Mrs.Larisa Morgulis is a violinist trained in the classical traditions of theRussian school of violin with over 25 years of teaching and performingexperience. She has a PhD in music and performance from the OdessaConservatory (Ukraine). Mrs. Morgulis has played with orchestras inEurope and the United States, including Opera and Ballet orchestras, andSymphony orchestras in the Ukraine, Russia, US (including Boston Symphony, andAtlanta Symphony)
Everyyear, Mrs. Morgulis’ students win competitions to the major youth orchestrasaround the country, including the National Youth Symphony Orchestra, AtlantaYouth Symphony Orchestra, Metropolitan Youth, Emory Youth and All StateSymphony Orchestra. Mrs. Morgulis’ students have gone on to studymusic at the Berkeley School of Music, Peabody College, and other prestigiousinstitutions. In the recent years, one of her students received aprestigious Grammy Award.
Mrs.Larisa Morgulis enjoys working with students of all levels and sharingher knowledge with the younger generation.
Pleasecall 678.549.8508 to reach Mrs. Morgulis and explore thewonderful world of violin. Mrs. Morgulis teaches in Johns Creek,GA. |