Wellington HOA 董事会成员,RMS & HMS 公司成员在内部电邮中,用下列词汇描述华裔之和其他少数族裔会员:
奴才 - Minions
白癡 - A schmuck
荒唐 - Crazy
愚蠢 - Stupid
哗众取宠 - Antics
搅屎棍 - Stir to pot
乞丐 - Panhandling
共匪 - Communist mind
精神分裂 - Delusional mind
不可理喻 - don’t believe reasoning with XXX is an option
极端令人厭惡的户主 - the most royal of frustrating homeowners
#7: Wellington HOA 董事会另一位成员还说
“ Many of the people complaining are third world immigrants (第三世界新移民们) who are very skeptical and just feel they are getting scammed due to how things were in their home countries without checks and balances.
They will always complain(他们只会抱怨). If we buy Coke they will complain it's not Pepsi. If we buy brown furniture, they will complain its not blue.”