网友来电要求我提供更多“美国移民体检”的信息,我直接把院长助理给我的E-mail发表如下, 其中包括美国移民局的有关文件,希望对您能有所帮助。(01/26/2013)
Hi Dr. Liu,
Immigration physical includes the checking and filling the various requirements on the Immigration form I-693 as well as checking for communicable diseases and making sure the candidate has the necessary immunizations.
The physical exam fees of $250.00 include RPR as well as TB test. If the TB test is positive, then a chest x-ray is done for an additional fee of $40.00. The exam fee does not include any of the immunizations.
I am enclosing a copy of our immigration information sheet. Thanks. Sang.
Effective July 2010, our hospital director physician Dr. Patil (MD) has been designated as a civil surgeon by the USCIS for the purpose of conducting physical exams for people seeking immigration to the US. Dr. Patil is only authorized to conduct the medical exam and fill the form and does not determine eligibility.
Eligibility is determined by the USCIS.
Following is our protocol and the associated fee for this exam.
You will needs to bring in a valid photo ID and fill in the first part of the INS 693 form available at http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-693.pdf. If you do not have the form, we can provide you with a form.
[/li]You will need to bring in all your immunization history as well as any treatment records for any communicable disease. Immunizations include: MMR, Dtap, Hepatitis B series, Varicella, and Flu vaccine (between Oct 1 and March 31).
[/li]You will need to schedule an appointment for the exam and the TB test, and another one 48 – 72 hours later to observe the TB test reaction. Form will only be signed after the TB test is read.
[/li]If you need immunizations, you can schedule the first of any series for the day of the exam or when the TB test is read. You will need to complete the series of immunization (if more than one dose is needed) either through us or through your primary care provider.
[/li] Note: The form can be signed by the physician provided you are up to date on your immunization or have received the immunization in our office (at least one of the series, if any).
The Immigration exam fee is to be paid at the time of the first visit which includes the physical exam, TB test, and RPR blood test. If your TB test is positive, then a follow up chest x-ray is required for an additional fee.
[/li]In lieu of immunization, you may choose to get blood test done to confirm immunity. This is an additional charge and you may still end up needing immunization if no immunity is observed.
[/li]When you have fulfilled all the requirements, the form will be signed and given to you in a sealed envelope. We will also give a copy of the form for your records.
** Immigration Exam fees can NOT be charged to your insurance company.
Contact us & Make an appointment:
Dr. Angela C Liu 刘春媛医师教授(中英文)
770-289-2305 / 770-814-8860
11379 Southbridge Pkwy, Ste A
Alpharetta, GA 30022
(State Bridge Rd > Old Milton Pkwy, Besides Publix)
Acupuncture Physician Dr. Angela C Liu
In Alpharetta, GA 30022
乔州, 弗州二州 执照中医针灸师
美国特殊人才优秀移民 !
美国移民局(USCIS)指定体检医院 !
内外妇儿,疑难杂症,中西结合, 运动伤病。