Cake Ingredients 蛋糕的材料。
5 eggs (10 eggs) 蛋
Cake flour (can substitute with all purpose flour): 110 g (220g) 面粉•
Sugar: 120 g (240g) 糖
    Cake Procedure:
    Separate the egg yolks and whites into two clean, dry bowls.蛋黄和蛋白分别在两个干净的碗里。
Egg yolks Bowls:
Egg yolks
Cake flour (can substitute with all purpose flour): 110 g (220g)
Milk: 5 tablespoons (10)
Vegetable oil: 5 tablespoons (10)
Baking powder: 1 teaspoon (2)
Vanilla extract: ½ teaspoon (1)
Sugar: 70 g (140 g)
1.)    Add 70 g (140g) of sugar to the egg yolks. Mix with a electric mixer until the yolks become fluffy and have a pale yellow color
2.)    Add the milk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Mix gently until smooth. It is important not to over mix because over mixing will overdevelop the proteins in the flour and cause the end result to be more bread-like and less cake-like. Preheat the oven to 330oF
Egg white Bowls:
Cream of Tartar (can substitute with white vinegar): 1 teaspoon
Sugar: 50 g (100 g)
1.)    In the bowl of egg whites, add in the cream of tartar and start mixing with the electric mixer. Slowly add in 50 g of sugar. Mix until the egg whites for stiff peaks.
2.) Scoop out 1/3 of the egg whites and mix into the egg yolk mixture. Be careful not to over mix because that will cause the egg whites to deflate. Now that the textures of the two mixtures are closer together, add in the remaining egg whites and mix.
3.) Split the mixture between two pre-buttered 9 inch cake pans.
4.) Bake for 30-35 minutes until the top if golden brown and when a toothpick is inserted into the middle of the cake, it comes out clean.
5.) Allow the cakes to completely cook before taking them out of the pans.
Heavy whipping cream: 1 pint
Sugar: 3-4 tablespoons (depending on taste)
Salt: ½ teaspoon
1.)    In a clean bowl, whip together all the ingredients for the frosting until you have whipped cream.
2.)    Frost the cake
3.)    Decorate with fruits if desired.
* For the cake at the party, I doubled this recipe 括号里的蓝色数自字是开派对用的份量。