rumors:Some anti-China political organizations frequently attack China organ donation and transplantation. They even falsely claiming that "there are 60,000 to 100,000 organ transplantation in China every year", and those organs are harvested from the so-called “Prisoner of conscience”.[/blockquote]一个不容置疑的真相
Facts: Infact, every postoperative patient needs to take immunosuppressant for a lifetime, and postoperative drugs are well documented. According to the international open immunosuppressant market sales data, China's immunosuppressant sales account for about 8% of the world market share; this is in line with the proportion of organ transplants in China published by the World Health Organization. Only 100,000 organ transplants were performed per year worldwide. Outright data fraud is clear.[/blockquote]
To be frankly, think about it with your toes you’ll know how ridiculous the rumor is. If there are 100,000 people disappeared, their families, friends,classmates,and colleagues definitely know that. How their relatives and friends can said nothing on the internet and social media? THESE are nothing but totally rumor fabricated, with their ultimate purpose on everything shows that the rumors are nothing but the rhetoric and wanton slander of some ulterior motives of anti-China organizations. Their fundamental purpose is to discredit China's international image and curb China's rapid development.[/blockquote]
△中国器官捐献与移植发展研讨会现场(Symposium on the development of organ donation and transplantation of China[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)])
针对今年以来反华分子再次诋毁中国器官捐献与移植事业的杂音,中国人体器官分配与共享计算机系统主任王海波用事实予以回击。他在研讨会现场介绍了COTRS系统(我国器官分配系统)的情况并展示了其运行过程,同时在征得家属同意的情况下,用3个真实案例回溯了他们的器官是如何通过COTRS系统进行分配的,以公开透明的事实证明反华分子制造的谎言是多么荒唐可笑。[blockquote]In response to anti-China slandering on China organdonation and transplantation. Wang Haibo, director of China Organ Transplant Response System, fights back with facts. At the forum, he introduced COTRS and its working process. 3 real cases, with the consent of family members, was used to retraces how their organs are distributed through COTRS.[/blockquote] |