郭燕红 国家卫生健康委医政医管局监察专员
“器官捐献与移植是一个科学问题,同时还有伦理问题、法律问题,而这些问题的背后凝聚的,一是爱心,二是希望。如果有扰乱和亵渎这份爱心和希望的言论,我认为他是对我们每一个在座的专家和不在座的专家,以及对每一个捐献者和他的家庭的侮辱,我希望这样的侮辱从此停止。” [blockquote]Guo Yanhong(Supervision Commissioner of Medical Administration Bureau of national health and Health Commission):"Organ donation and transplantation is a scientific issue as well as ethical and legal issues. Under these this is love and hope. If this disturbs and blasphemes this loving and hopeful statement, I think it is an insult to each of our experts present and absent. I hope an end of the insult."[/blockquote][blockquote]比约恩·纳山 德国移植协会前任主席
“指控中国器官捐献与移植的文章没有科学基础,只是一个在政治上发动的攻击,属于科学界的不端行为。科学应该是一个发现的过程,我们不希望它有政治化的争斗。” Bjorn Nashan(Past President, German Transplantation Society):"I’m working in China more than 2 years in HeFei. So I have my foot to the ground. I see what going on and I see so far is that everything is going on to the legal. Nothing is altered. They are very strict to their reporting and the filing of data, they are doing everything to assure the process is according to the law. "
"The paper accused China Organ Donation and Transplantation is not a scientific approach. This is not a scientific paper. It’s a political attack, nothing at all. Academic research shoul be a truth discovery journal, must not be a political behavior." [/blockquote] |