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老钱:A tax officer‘s salary $490,000?









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发表于 2020-10-3 03:11:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Old money
Google Translation from my article in Chinese,
as follows.

Old money calls:
Friends living in Fulton County, please, during the general election on November 3, 2020,
Don't vote for this guy.

Folks, Please broadcast my article to English world, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, neighborhood, NextDoor ..

His salary is $490,000!
Old money
A resident of Johns Creek

We, who live in Fulton County, are very familiar with the name Arthur Ferdinand. He is the County Tax Commissioner. You can see his name on our car tax and house tax bills,
twice a
year at least.

Recently, due to the introduction of
Why does the tax keep rising?/
(Also can see Annex 1). I noticed his sky-high salary, more than 490,000 US dollars!

Anyone can click on the link below to immediately see the AJC report below. "County Tax Officer Arthur Ferdinand Increases His Salary. " (Also can see Annex 2)

$491,000! What great position? What great technology? What great contribution?

A county tax officer, why does he get such a high salary? We can compare him with a governor, with a county chief/Sheriff ratio, with an entrepreneur, with a professor, scientist, and inventor. . .

The salary of the President of the United States is only 400,000, and the salary of the Capitol Hill is only 170,000! The governor's salary is only 140,000! According to the salary of the top tax officials of the past five federal governments, the highest did not exceed $180,000, and the average was only 170,000. The salary of an army general is only two hundred thousand dollars.

In Georgia, the salary of a county chief/Sheriff is an average of 110,000.

Yes! This is an unreasonably high, extremely high salary! This is very irritating!

He is not an entrepreneur, not a military general, not a scientist, not an inventor, and does not have a patent. . . Why?

1. He is not an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur takes risks. His income is determined by the market value of his company and its products.

2. He is not an inventor. The contribution of an inventor to society can be epoch_making, but it is also determined by the market, determined by the contribution his creativity and design bring to human society.

3. He is not a special mission, like a governor or a president. . .

4. His personal talent and ability, hard work, no more than any normal CEO, CFO; no more than an expert in the accounting industry.

5. If he has made some achievements in the financial field, he has established one, not to mention brand new, at least it is original and has a fruitful contribution, whether it is a theory or a method, it has created for the financial accounting industry New and better ways. Then, it is also innovation, achievement, and special contribution. So what he should get is the reward in the industry/professional field, and it is not our taxpayers who pay him.

6. No, he does not meet any of the above. What he relied on was only a government agency with a special status as a compulsory tax official. Serve taxpayers and collect taxes for the government. This is his job as a civil servant. There is no particularity.

Why does he get such a high salary?

In a county_level government functional agency director, there are other, we can say that more important functions and corresponding directors, for example, most of the taxes collected by his department are used for primary and secondary education. Take a look at your annual real estate tax, 77.4% is collected for education! His work is just for educational services. Look again, urban construction, medical care. . . In particular, police stations and fire stations are working hard to serve the people!

I can't judge, which one is the most important, but why does he get such a high salary?

If it is said that he did not violate any regulations, then we have to ask what regulations/rules are this? These regulations are unreasonable and need to be reformed! If there is a requirement to pay wages based on performance percentages, there should also be upper and lower limits, commonly known as Cap, Max and Min. These are common sense.

Some regulations were made half a century ago.

What was the population of Fulton County at that time?

How many businesses were there?

How many banks were then?

How much high technology were there?

What kind of economic scale it was?  

Continue to stick on the outdate regulation, based on the scale of the economy half a century ago, and this guy is cray!

1%, what will be the salary for the secreter of Federal Treasure?

Totally nonsense!!!

When tax commissioners from other states learned that the tax commissioners in Futon County, Georgia, could legally collect city taxes in their jurisdiction, they couldn't help but feel an uproar. These tax commissioners from Tennessee, Florida, and North Carolina were shocked to drop their jaws.

They all spoke: "Gosh! There is such a thing? It's shocking."

"If the county government uses government funds to compensate the local tax commissioner who collects taxes for the government, I think the tax commissioner should face criminal prosecution for theft and misuse of county property."

In the past few years, officials in small California cities paid high wages for themselves, and they all had their own reasons. However, they have no conscience, no moral bottom line, they are greedy, they are doing everything possible to exploit the loopholes of the system to "seemly legal" for their own benefit! After the media exposed it, they had to withdraw from what they shouldn't. And resigned and pleaded guilty.

This tax official in Fulton County is such a person who has no conscience, no moral bottom line, greed, and does everything possible to exploit the loopholes of the system to "seemly legal" for his own benefit!

This is why our property has been rising unreasonably! In order to provide him with a reason for his salary increase, we must keep increasing our property tax!

We should speak firmly, clearly and loudly, and pull him down!

We should complain strongly to the governor and the secretary of state/SOS.

If it is said that he did not violate any regulations, then these regulations are unreasonable. The state government should review and modify the unreasonable regulations. Reduce his salary to a reasonable amount.

Moreover, because of his greed and bottomless guardianship, he should be cut off. Financial work must be rigorous, selfless and fair, and you must not see money open.

This person is not qualified to be the tax officer of our county!


Attachment   AJC Report
“Usually, work gets compensation,” Ferdinand told Fulton County commissioners Wednesday, when they questioned new deals with the cities of Mountain Park and Chattahoochee Hills that will add an estimated $3,500 to his salary; and aJohns Creek tax collection renewal worth more than $27,000.Ferdinand is the highest-paid public official in the state, making $491,193 a year, a recentAtlanta Journal-Constitution investigation found. Most of that income is from fees he personally pockets for work conducted by his office.
Ferdinand told the AJC Wednesday that the cities are getting a good deal by having him collect taxes on their behalf, and that Fulton County also benefits.In 2018,Fulton County received $22.5 million from other cities for his office’s work, or 1% of the total tax money that was collected in the cities, according toFerdinand.“It’s state law, and it’s a necessary service the cities want me to provide,” he said. “They probably can’t get that service for that money.”
The comments were the first time in years that Ferdinand has spoken publicly about his salary and the fees. He canceled an interview scheduled earlier this summer with reporters who were investigating the sources of his income.This week,Ferdinand said he doesn’t care what others get paid for collecting taxes — he knows his own worth.“Why should I say no thank you?” Ferdinand said. “The county salary that I receive is not commensurate with the responsibilities I have, as far as I’m concerned.”The pay structure allowed Ferdinand to more than triple his $161,312 base salary. With the fees added in, he makes more than thePresident of the United States, and triple what Gov. Brian Kemp is paid. When asked at what point the money would be commensurate with the work, Ferdinand declined to answer.“I’m not trying to sugarcoat this,” he said. “If I’m doing something, I want to be compensated for it. Period.”The addition of new cities to his contract requires audits, he said, and more work to properly distribute the money. He brushed aside a suggestion that the additional fees go to the office, and not him personally. Ferdinand said he pushes for his employees to get bonuses and pay raises for their work, but regarding the fees, “the state law says it comes to the tax commissioner.”“I don’t think anybody should work without being properly compensated,” he said.Commissioners on Wednesday expressed frustration with the new contracts and the fee structure. Two called it “inappropriate” and “fundamentally wrong.” But the contracts were ultimately approved, with a 4-2 vote.The three new agreements will last 50 years, or untilFerdinand is no longer the county’s tax commissioner.No one — including county commissioners — questions Ferdinand’s success rate, which is in the high90-percent range when it comes to collecting taxes. And he does have some support, including from County Commissioner Marvin Arrington, who said he has“no problem” with Ferdinand’s compensation.But year after year, there is public uproar regarding Ferdinand’s compensation.“A lot of our constituents think it’s inappropriate,” Commissioner Bob Ellis said. “It’s a valid concern. It’s been written about for years.”It doesn’t affect Ferdinand.“You’d be surprised how much support I get on these things,” he said. “I’m a nice guy.”Ferdinand used to collect more fees, from selling tax liens. State law abolished that source of income in 2017, but Ferdinand has more than made up for it, with the addition of new cities and a $71,000 salary boost that comes from collecting aspecial 911 emergency services assessment on Atlanta property owners.It’s all on the up-and-up, he said.“You’ve got to make sure you don’t do anything that breaks the law in any one of these government jobs,” Ferdinand said.。[sub][/sub][sup][/sup]

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-10-4 20:47:49 | 显示全部楼层
We have to united together to pull such a vampire down.

Please help to broadcast this petition over whole Fulton county.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



 楼主| 发表于 2020-10-9 17:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
This is kind of corruption。

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