董事们看起来彬彬有礼,审阅了我提交的证明文件后,没有异议。但在 Wellington 新版 CDG 问题上,还是坚称曾经寄过给我,我是否收到与物管 HMS 和 Wellington 董事会无关,然后请我回家等判决。会后还是我觉得仅从经济困难的角度,董事会还是应该会给予豁免的。但几年后我女儿回忆现场见闻时,却又完全不同的解读:
“I have personally dealt with the people on the HOA board because my dad asked me to accompany him to their meetings (I am sure a lot of you can relate with this as children of immigrant parents) where I had to sit there and have them treat my father so unfairly, attack him with derogatory microaggressions, and insult him because of his immigrant status and race.. despite him being an American citizen and having lived in the US for over two decades. At the time I felt so angry and powerless because I didn't know what to do or how I could help”