亚特兰大一广播电台AM750 FM95.5 的一位黑人小伙Royal Marshall,于周五晚上周六早上瘁死, 只有43岁. AJC, WSB radio, WSBTV 均有报道并纪念. 其夫人叫了911, 也是太晚了. 小伙子在Neal Boortz的radio show 中有时侯搭搭话, 听起来很憨厚诚实, 不象Neal Boortz那样激进. 留下两岁和四岁的两个女儿,很可惜.
看来我们都要好好注意自己的健康, 真得准备好硝酸甘油,随身备着, 并经常给家人包括孩子讲讲, 告诉他们在紧急关头在哪找到药片并帮助自己或家人服用.
这也就是以防万一的事.万一用上了, 就是百分之百.
Remembering Royal Marshall
ByLaura - WSB-AM Producer @ January 15, 2011 11:35 AM Permalink | Comments (1111) | TrackBacks (0)
(WSB Radio) - Raymond Royal Marshall, producer of the Neal Boortz Radio Show, died suddenly at his Atlanta home early Saturday. He was 43. Marshall is survived by his wife Annette, and two daughters, Amira, 4 and Ava, 2.
Marshall collapsed at his home. Paramedics responded to his wife's call to 911, but were unable to revive him. He was pronounced dead early Saturday at Grady Hospital.
"For 15 years it's been 'Royal and Belinda'" said Belinda Skelton, executive producer of the Neal Boortz Show. "My other half is gone. I don't know if I can sit and look at someone else on the other side of that glass."
Royal and Belinda interviewed at the station and were hired on the same day in 1996.
The cause of death at this time remains unknown. |