常杰是个好教练。有一次,常教练教学生的时候,我在旁边偷听了一会儿,一不留神就受益匪浅。借此机会感谢一下。 | 据我观察,优秀乒乓球球教练有个共同特征:脑门比较光亮,例如梁戈亮、谢赛克、肖战等,我们常教练也不例外。下次有空我上几张照片给大家瞧瞧。 | About two years ago, after I relocated to Atlanta from out state, I was trying to find a place to work out n' to hone my rusty pingpong skills, I spotted a player on the floor in a club one evening. I was right away amazed by his dazzling skills, n' of course by his shining forehead as well - that was the highlight in the entire gym. He is Chang Jie - a well-known pingpong master n' coach in town - whom I now proudly call him a dear friend and "常教头"!
Among all my pong buddies and players that I know, Chang Jie is one of the very few who's not only a very competitive player, but also an excellent coach. In every discipline, plays well is one thing, teaches well is another, very few can do both well. Chang Jie is passionate and experienced on both end. I get to play with him almost every other day ever since that day I met him. As a compassionate human being, he is always gracious to play with a lousy n' mediocre player - someone like me - and offers fundamental advises and techniques tips. When we started, I would be happy to take 2-3 points in a game at the most from him, now, in a lucky day, I might very well steal a game or two from him, or from an 2000 ranking player. For that, I owe him a lot.
I consider myself lucky getting to know him, and I wish I could play well like him one day - not as bald though!
-老街 |