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Please pray for me. I ask for loving prayer for this issue

匿名  发表于 2010-1-3 22:22:52 |阅读模式

My question was this:
I wonder if you can help us? My marriage has turned into a continuous debate and
competition. We argue over enormous things, medium things, and even small things that make no difference
whatsoever . I believe the two of us enjoy being right. I guess I should tell you that we are both
attorneys. Are you able to help?!?!?!?!" He has left. <a href=http://earnyourexback.com/get-back-with-your-ex.html>How can I get my ex back</a>
I love im dearly. I know I am not alone!!!

Can anyone offer any help? I am finding great success with his blog. I posted the link too

His Answer: I am a christian counselor specializing in relationship and marital affairs

Paula, I am going to start my response with a genuine true to life story, in which the names and some details
have been changed to protect the guilty.

I once had a couple sitting in front of me in my office who were arguing, quite strongly, over the right way
to hang the john paper. <a href=http://earnyourexback.com/get-back-with-your-ex.html>get my ex husband back</a> I let them go at it for several minutes before I called time out. ( they'd still be going at
it if I had not stopped them. ) I told them that I could save their marriage for just a few dollars..Dont believe it then I will give your money back if it doesnt work! So I said OK!

All they had to do was go to the Home Depot around the corner and get another toilet tissue holder, put it
next to the one they already had, and then they could both have their own way. They stopped and admitted
that they were both being kinda mad.

I concluded. And besides, I added, when you consider what the john paper is going to be used for, how
much does it really matter? <a href=http://earnyourexback.com/get-back-with-your-ex.html>How to get my husband back</a>

i'd like you to keep this story in mind as you checked out the rest of this article, and for the remainder of
your relationship. While you do face the challenge of having been trained as lawyers to win a debate, you
are really not that much different than most couples.

Most humans love to be right. Some have raised it to an art form. And since most couples are made of
humans, well, there you go.


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