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老钱: 美国大选,选谁? (一)不要搞社会主义

匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 10:16:00
引用第157楼游客于2012-10-02 09:45发表的  :
纠缠在Romney究竟交了多少税,Capital  Gains 应该交多少税不会有什么结果。仅凭这点来决定投谁的票,不是很好的做法。
Romney只要依法缴税,交多交少,无可非议。Capital Gains应当交多少税,是要通过立法来解决的,所以,不仅仅是总统就能左右的,要和国会的选举结合起来。
Romney的最大缺点是Flip Flop,我不知道他所说的那句是真,那句是假。因为随着时间的变化,他一直在变。再有,从经济方面来看(不是政治方面),强硬的站在中国的对立面,对美国没什么好处。最简单的结果就是,如果Walmart的商品价钱提高一倍,受损失的不是Romney这样的富翁们,而是像你、我这样的中产阶级。


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 10:33:32
引用第158楼游客于2012-10-02 10:16发表的  :

美国国家就经济运作来说,国会相当于董事会,总统相当于CEO,其他内阁头目相当于XXO。董事会制定大方向,通过大的财务(政)预算。具体操作与责任有CEO领导下的XXOs 负责。


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 10:46:32
引用第158楼游客于2012-10-02 10:16发表的  :

I am sure IRS or Democrats in IRS will start auditing Romney if he has cheated on his tax return.  There is nothing wrong to pay lower tax rate if it is legal.  I am sure vast majority of us would pay less if it is legal.

In terms of fiscal policy, it is true that congress passes the spending bill.  However, president has the veto power and he also can use the bully pulpit to persuade public and congress on the spending policy.  On top of that, in 2009 and 2010, Democrats controlled both chambers of the congress.  Obama didn't do anything to control the spending but he has spend all his energy to pass the high cost health care plan.  He ran up over $5 trillion deficit in his 4 years compare over $2 trillion in Bush 8 years in a next to zero interest environment.  Remember, Bush's $2 trillion includes his tax cut and war spending too.  Can we afford another $5 trillion deficit in another 4 years?  My answer is NO!  Obama’s strategy is to spend whatever he need to get himself reelected!


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 10:56:17
引用第160楼游客于2012-10-02 10:46发表的  :

I am sure IRS or Democrats in IRS will start auditing Romney if he has cheated on his tax return.  There is nothing wrong to pay lower tax rate if it is legal.  I am sure vast majority of us would pay less if it is legal.

In terms of fiscal policy, it is true that congress passes the spending bill.  However, president has the veto power and he also can use the bully pulpit to persuade public and congress on the spending policy.  On top of that, in 2009 and 2010, Democrats controlled both chambers of the congress.  Obama didn't do anything to control the spending but he has spend all his energy to pass the high cost health care plan.  He ran up over $5 trillion deficit in his 4 years compare over $2 trillion in Bush 8 years in a next to zero interest environment.  Remember, Bush's $2 trillion includes his tax cut and war spending too.  Can we afford another $5 trillion deficit in another 4 years?  My answer is NO!  Obama’s strategy is to spend whatever he need to get himself reelected!

Romney actually paid more than he owned in 2011 even though he said in a interview that "He would not be qualified to run for presidency if he paid more than he owned". It is interesting to me.

I watched a Blooberg show on the deficient. Obama did run a big deficient but a very big portion was from the budget passed when Bush was in office including the bank buy out plan.


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 11:01:42
If Romney gets in office, the budget deficient will be even higher. Look at his tax plan. He will cut so much tax for the rich but he does not give any detail plan to cut cost. By the way, there is no much spending cut space since Republic do not want to touch the defense budget. The only big pie he could go after is the SS payment to the elders. He does not want to say it before the election!


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 11:04:40
引用第157楼游客于2012-10-02 09:45发表的  :
纠缠在Romney究竟交了多少税,Capital  Gains 应该交多少税不会有什么结果。仅凭这点来决定投谁的票,不是很好的做法。
Romney只要依法缴税,交多交少,无可非议。Capital Gains应当交多少税,是要通过立法来解决的,所以,不仅仅是总统就能左右的,要和国会的选举结合起来。
Romney的最大缺点是Flip Flop,我不知道他所说的那句是真,那句是假。因为随着时间的变化,他一直在变。再有,从经济方面来看(不是政治方面),强硬的站在中国的对立面,对美国没什么好处。最简单的结果就是,如果Walmart的商品价钱提高一倍,受损失的不是Romney这样的富翁们,而是像你、我这样的中产阶级。

Very ture.


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 11:05:59
引用第161楼游客于2012-10-02 10:56发表的  :

Romney actually paid more than he owned in 2011 even though he said in a interview that "He would not be qualified to run for presidency if he paid more than he owned". It is interesting to me.

I watched a Blooberg show on the deficient. Obama did run a big deficient but a very big portion was from the budget passed when Bush was in office including the bank buy out plan.
Obama has the veto power to veto any spending bills. Has he used it?  NO!  He controls both chambers of congress in 2009 and 2010, did he rewrite any Bush's spending policies?  NO.  He just spend his way to reelection!


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 11:16:38
引用第162楼游客于2012-10-02 11:01发表的  :
If Romney gets in office, the budget deficient will be even higher. Look at his tax plan. He will cut so much tax for the rich but he does not give any detail plan to cut cost. By the way, there is no much spending cut space since Republic do not want to touch the defense budget. The only big pie he could go after is the SS payment to the elders. He does not want to say it before the election!
There is a lot of government waste there.  I am sure we can cut over 20% government employees, make the rest 80% work half as hard as private company employees and we will have higher productivity.

In terms of SS and Medicare, any honest person will agree that it can't go on forever as it is now.  they have to be changed since the country just can't afford it.  The only thing is how to change it so that it makes minimum impact on the retirees.  Any politician who promises no cut in SS and Medicare is either lying to the public or not knowing what he is talking about. Romney’s running mate Paul Ryan is talking about these programs.  I will give him credit for starting the debate.  Not like Obama who is tring to hide the truth and get himself reelected.


匿名  发表于 2012-10-2 11:16:55
Romney 所主张的经济政策是所谓的里根经济政策,注重于供应方的利益,也就是给大型企业减税,目的是激励大型企业多投资,多生产,增加工作机会。从表面上看,Romney经济策略应当奏效,但是,实际上难以奏效。大型企业需要的不是减税,他们所需要的是购买力,民众对他们产品的购买力。所以,对中产阶级减税以增强他们的购买力,是刺激美国经济的正确道路。
另外,Romney一直在讲大力消减政府开支,但是,从来不给出比较详细的消减计划。当选后,以Romney Flip Flop的性格,这种消减只能打水漂。









发表于 2012-10-2 12:41:10 | 显示全部楼层
IP:*.*.*.75 第 26 楼发表于 2012-10-01 21:15:49 踩楼(0)
我是个中间派独立人士。我不特别喜欢奥巴马或者民主党本身,但是我更担心共和党的政策和主张。执政党的政策对国家影响是深远的。我还记得克林顿时期美国经济繁荣盛世的景象,那个时候我真是为身在美国而感到自豪。走到世界什么地方,人家一听说是美国来的就都很友善甚至羡慕。后来布什当选美国变成了什么样子,大家都看到了,不光是我们不愿意提就连好多老美到世界许多地方都假装加拿大人。克林顿时期我们家随大家随便买了点股票就发了笔小财,选布什的时候就听大家说共和党可以给咱们减税,就选了布什。减税到没减多少,我们家的401凯 却变成了 201凯! 其它的投资也亏得一塌糊涂。钱财没有得到任何好处,其它方面就更不要提啦。回中国朋友都对美国过份干涉中东事务,偏袒以色列不满,好像我对此负责似的。我也觉得布什的牛仔外交全面树敌,美国并不如以前那么安全。机场安检开始时是搜包,现在是连鞋子裤带都得脱掉才能通过。时时如临大敌。怎么会变成这个样子的呢? 这总统看来不是闹着玩儿的。选的时候可必须全面考虑,不能因为省几个铜板的税让自己和下一代安身立命之国衰落。出于反复考虑,我觉得还是选奥八马。世界和平持久稳定发展比自己腰包多两个铜板更重要。何况历史经验证明许诺两个铜板的总统是很靠不住的。

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