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老钱:美国大选,选谁?(三) 总统竞选辩论

匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 15:57:25
富人care Medicare??


匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 16:42:43
老钱. 你的观点这次我无法苟同. 虽然你有'钱', 但在罗姆尼所代表的那些人眼里, 我们也还都属于那47%, 还远远归入不了富人的行列. 所以没有必要替富人们杞人忧天.

其实那些人根本就不会CARE什么Medicare 问题. 这只不过是每次大选前他们拿来攻击民主党的一个借口. 就如同你从来不进MACDONALDS吃汉堡包, 你会介意它好吃不好吃,健康不健康?  拿这个来说事只不过是在乎悠选民罢了。就像他那么高调的指责中国。怎么都听着像个蹩脚的三流演员。而且还糊里糊涂的老在那里胡说八道。怎么从没听他对华尔街的肥猫们说个不字?


匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 17:57:25

Re:回 1楼(游客) 的帖子

引用第6楼游客于2012-10-05 14:22发表的 回 1楼(游客) 的帖子 :
Medicare 的最大问题不是资金不够用,而是浪费巨大(这巨字都不足以描述这种浪费)。所有接受Medicare的医院和医生都在抢劫。$50的病能开出$500,$5000的费用来,赤裸裸的犯罪行为。如果能从医院和医生入手,降低医院和医生的收费标准,$50的病收$250, 即使政府当个二百五,在保证患者利益的同时(医治了价值$50的病),也能减少相当可观的费用。

Medicare & Medicaid有漏洞,也是政府监管不力,无效率的问题。



匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 19:48:53
“养老退休/SSI和医疗保险/Medicare都严重地支不敷出了”, 至少现在两者都是有盈余的。


匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 19:50:45
“对于寿命延长带来的这样巨大开支,对于大部分美国人/家庭,都是无法支持的。这对于少数富豪,当然是不成问题的。因此,就去迁怒于富人吗?”, O8哪里说过医疗保险开支大是因为富人了问题?











发表于 2012-10-5 21:28:32 | 显示全部楼层

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匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 22:42:08

Re:Re:老钱: 美国大选,选谁? (三)   总统竞

Lao Qian knows economy?  He probably is from old school of Marx's books because he sounds so shallow and ignorant. He is becoming a laughing stock for Atlanta Chinese community.
引用第5楼投票于2012-10-05 14:16发表的 Re:老钱: 美国大选,选谁? (三)   总统竞选辩论 :


匿名  发表于 2012-10-5 23:19:19
没有被当作猴子耍? 不是猴子吗?不是白痴?


匿名  发表于 2012-10-6 08:50:30
引用第14楼游客于2012-10-05 19:48发表的  :
“养老退休/SSI和医疗保险/Medicare都严重地支不敷出了”, 至少现在两者都是有盈余的。
Here is some facts about Medicare, according to this CNN article, "Analysts at the Urban Institute calculate that lifetime Medicare benefits will be worth over $500,000 for a mid-career couple today" (http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/02/ ... ml?iid=HP_Highlight). Now assume a couple earns $200,000/year (that's very high for most people) and worked for 40 years. at 2.9% Medicare tax rate, that would be $232,000, Less than half of the expected payout. For a low income family, the gap would be even bigger! Anyone who has a financial sense would agree that this is unsustainable. Can you just do it by cutting doctors and hospital payment? No. if you cut the payment in half, I am sure most doctors will not see any Medicare patient since the payment will be below their cost. So the other way is to cut benefit which is not popular. Obama is exploiting this without telling the truth about the future cost!

The only reason both SS and Medicare had surplus before is because the baby boomers.  Their large number of poeple are supporting a much smaller retirees.  Now, the baby boomers are starting to retire, the funding gap is going to show and will get worse each year.  Any responsible person and any person who cares about the country's future, cares about our future generation will have to take this issue seriously.  We can't continue to rob our future generation for the confort of ourselves.  The best solution I can see is the sacrifice from everyone of us.  We just can't afford these program as it is.  We need to reduce the benefit to half or double everyone's contribution.  As Lao Qian put it, "就是把富豪都抢了,分了,仍然解决不了这个问题。"  Even you tax the rich at 100%, you still will not solve this problem.  it is because the country doesn't have that many rich people to be taxed.  On the other hand, if you do tax rich too much, they either stop working/invest (they have eoungh asset and don't need to work/invest anyway) or they will put the money in other country.


匿名  发表于 2012-10-6 09:15:08
Another thought, what is the fare tax rate?  Everyone is entitled his/her own opinions.  I am sure most of us think that our tax rates are too high.  Then a quite few of us think the top tax rates are too low for the high income earners.  
The top tax rate for 2012 is at 35%.  If you add 6% GA income tax and 1.45% medicare tax (SS tax is no longer apply here).  Quite a few of those high income families are small business owners, they have to pay employer portion of Medicare tax.  So the total marginal tax rate would be about 44%.  Next year, Obama care will add 4% on these incomes.  If Bush’s tax cut expires, the top rate will be roll back to 39%, another 4% extra.  So the top rate could be 52%. For every dollar a small business owner earns after all the overhead etc, he/she has to pay 52c to the government and keep 48c.  What kind of incentive he/she has to work hard and earn more?  That also creates an incentive to hide/shift income.
Now, as someone would like to tax the capital gain the same way as income, how many investors would take the risk to get that kind of return?  A regular income is guaranteed income as long as you put your work in.  But investment income is not guaranteed and it could be lost over night.  So you really tax the investment income at the same level as regular income without shutting out investor’s incentive.
Simply taxing high income earner and taxing rich is not a viable solution.


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