俺要说的是分数是重要,但我们在美多年谁都知道美国的大学选尖子不全是凭分数。俺就知道两位亚城华人的孩子SAT考得分数并不高。一个是她做善事,另一个则是从小就喜欢科学实验。结果她(他)们分别去了哈弗跟MIT.美国千好万好好就好在很少有偏见。他们这样做才真是培养德,智,体全面发展的好学生。记得小布什当选总统后回到母校耶鲁讲过这么一番话:假如你想当总统,你的成绩C就足够了,(他在校成绩是C)假如你拿全A,最多只能当副总统(迪克切尼是当年耶鲁全A生) 9iGJYMWf
Yes, SAT score is not everything. However 300 out of 1600 means a COMPLETELY different intellectual level. I am sure both Obamas didn’t have the same level of SAT score as the two Chinese kids in your article even though you think theirs were low (just lower than average Chinese but much higher than average blacks). So, when everything is equal, both Obamas’ Ivy League education is build upon the missed opportunities of Asians and poor whites. In reality, Obama was brought up in a white middle class family. Other than his half black gene and a father who he didn't meet much, his up bring had nothing to do with black and poverty. Why should he get into Columbia and Harvard Law based on his 50% skin color? Is it fair? The sad part is, his administration is still promoting the same affirmative action policy which I believe is discriminatory against Asians and whites and it is unconstitutional. You can’t use a wrong to correct a past wrong. Our Chinese kids didn’t discriminate against black slaves and why should they bare the consequences?
Here is an article about SAT admission score based on race for Princeton University, Michelle Obama’s alma mater.
“To have the same chances of gaining admission as a black student with an SAT score of 1100, an Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have a 1230, a white student a 1410, and an Asian student a 1550.”
Here is the link if you want to read more in detail.
http://www.mindingthecampus.com/ ... unishes_asians.html |