If you start learn at age 6 until the first year in high school, we talking about nine years. Because only the high school count for the sports. If you train two hr each week at 45$ per hr, you need spend 4320$ per year. Usually two hrs week is far not enough. So for nine years, parent need to pay coach 38880$. Plus rubbers, paddles, shoes, shorts, competition fees, hotels, food and airline tickets for all these years, you could spent 60000 to 80000$. That is close to pay for two years college fee. Sure some good junior players made in to top university, but they academic are excellent first. The problem is you just can not training hard and also do good school work when you in high school. Because no time for keep playing. So think hard before you want you kids to learn ping pang. After all it is still not main stream sports in this country. |