发表于 2013-3-3 17:22:11
IP 214:
1st at all, your English is too poor to read! 蹩脚的英语。句句是病句!
2nd, Do U believe what Chinese news report? There is No one believing that Bo spent $2 million dollars for a night with a Star!
If so, Chinese people won’t be starved. During Great Culture, people eat Free, travel Free for whole country Da Chuan Lian (大串联)。
The 3rd, U wrote “Bo’s father was Tufen”, yes, Helung(贺龙两把菜刀起家) was Tufen, Zhude (朱德)was so… As those Tufens, they were very brave to break the old China-Jian’s dentistry, and established new China!
The 4th, U wrote: “Nobody can live over 1 million years” (咱暂不说此也是个病句 ) This indicated that your poor English in translation!
“万岁“,in English, should be: “ Long Live!”, Everyone knew that! Your translation is too funning!
At last, Bo’s “唱红打黑“,是得人心的。人民看到了国家的兑变,干部的贪腐,人们想往建国初期的廉政。Bo 向文强等贪官开刀,治理黑帮,May 牵动了中央某大官的 Nerve。
再说,薄之子是哈弗毕业的, 对其老父不可能坐视不管!审薄就成了中共的“烫手山芋”! |