楼主 |
发表于 2014-8-27 22:23:41
3、10、12和13楼应该是同一位网友吧。看来你似乎看不明中文,建议你google 冰皮月饼的英文名称snowy mooncake了解一下。冰皮月饼有别于传统烤烘月饼,必须冷藏储存,冰冻食用,不宜在室温或以上的温度食用,口感和味道随之改变。
我记得你在8月1日,从早上到下午,来电了4次询问关于冰皮月饼的味道和原料,我已清楚告知,这是一款口味比较清淡、少甜的广东甜品,如果习惯美国甜品浓重口味的需谨慎选购。于是,你决定购买18个50g绿豆蓉,约定第二天9点在交易地点交收。那天比较热,我在停车场等了你30分钟,除了订购的18个50g绿豆蓉,额外送你2个25g莲蓉和2个25g红豆蓉,当时你尝试的一个绿豆蓉和一个莲蓉,说皮好软,我已解释因为温度问题,并叮嘱回去必须先冷藏后食用,直到10点多,你说不懂从小路驶回大路,我还带你从Holcomb Bridge Rd走回Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
看不懂13楼所说的内容,issed, sall 和 hert是什么意思?
I think level 3, 10, 12 & 13 are from the same person, right? It looks like you don't fully understand Chinese. I suggest you google "snowy Mooncake" to get more information about its history. Snowy Mooncake is different from the traditional bake mooncake, which has to be refrigerator storage, eat at cold temperature. Taste will be changed if eating at room temperature or higher.
I pretty remembered that you called me 4 times on 8/01 re. the taste & material for Snowy Mooncake. I clearly told you that it's a fresh and less sweet Cantonese dessert, be careful to buy it if you love American style dessert. After the conversation, you decided to buy 18pcs for 50g green bean paste, pickup the next day 9am at the destined location. The next day, pretty hot, I waited for you for 30mins at the parking lot. Besides the 18pcs of 50g green bean paste, I brought you the 2pcs of 25g lotus seed paste & 2pcs of 25g red bean paste for free. You tried one green bean & one lotus seed immediately and said the wrap was sticky. I explained you that it's because of the temperature, and indicated that it must be re-cooling before eat. Till about 10am, I lead you drive back to Peachtree Industrial Blvd. from Holcomb Bridge Rd. as you said you don't know the direction.
Re. you think the wrap is not well cooked, would you please fully read this topic about the cook process? If the wrap is sticky, it can't be molded. You may try homemade to prove it.
Don't understand what you are trying to say for level 13. "issed, sall & hert", what do these words mean? |