珍珠坊餐館- China Pearl Bistro
地址: 2500 Old Alabama Road #1, Roswell,GA 3007
電話: 678-352-1788
餐资: 成人 $ 8.50, 10岁以下儿童为 $6.00, 3岁以下美食儿童免費
65岁以上的耆老提供10%off 的优惠, 咖啡免费、可续杯
Announcement of Brunch party by Shanghai Association ( temporary name)
Shanghai Association plans to have first brunch party at China Pearl Bistro at 12-2:30pm on Feb 20th, 2011. We warmly invite anyone who likes Shanghai, Shanghai people or try hard to give Shanghai people one more chance to change your perception on us. You are welcome to bring your whole family, friends or significant others to the party. It has no intention to mingle with religion, government nor politics. Please join us for this relaxed, friendly and fun filled event.
We like to have a headcount so we can advise the restaurant for the quantity and menu plan. Please kindly reply to include how many people in your party to Eva Xiao Barton by 5pm on Feb 18th to email: bartony2000@yahoo.com. Also, please mention any food allergy in your party. Thank you so much for your support.
Address: China Pearl Bistro
2500 Old Alabama Road #1, Roswell, GA、30076
Phone#: 678-352-1788 |