In most city in china, clothes are not as precious as many years ago. So they won't take used ones. I think people in villege like this will still need. At lease this can save their clothes spending. My kids clothes are little bigger to those kids in the picture. But as you said, it doesn't matter if they got lost in mail, or get to someone that need them. So I will try to pickup those in best condition or new clothes + some study suplies etc in the mail.
I believe in lots of the remote area in china, many people still live in such unbelievable condition. They extremely need help. So I will try to find an area that I can focus from my ability. Take kids travel to that area in the coming summer. Experience by person like the way Albert Hu did. Show care to them. If someone here plan similar thing, then we can go as a small group. Let kids involve all the detail. |