发表于 2014-8-1 21:30:29
29日电视直播演出后的第二天上午,我看到魏老师在Radio City的剧场里等开会时在全神贯注地读手机,便为他拍了两张照片。之后他告诉我,他已收到了无数祝贺演出成功的email,这些email有的来自家长们,朋友们,已毕业的学生们,还有的来自领事馆的文化参赞。最让他想不到的是一些已经很长时间不联系的老同事发来的emails。他们都是在电视里看到NBC录制的对APDA舞校的介绍里有Coach Wei教课的镜头,接下来又看到了他的学生表演的精彩舞蹈有感而发的。
我请魏老师转发了其中的一封曾在亚特兰大芭蕾舞团做 Ballet Mistress的Kathy写的email,内容如下:
Dear Wei, I was so pleased for you and Jenny when I saw the performance of Jasmine Flowers. They were exquisite! So poised, professional, and technically proficient! You should be so proud and pleased. You have given these girls the best of both your cultural dance and classical ballet. I had tears in my eyes when they finished. Absolutely stunning!! Continued success! Love, Kathy