引用第21楼一剪梅于2012-12-11 08:44发表的 :
75% Asian Americans voted for Obama! More than Hispanic.(72%). Victory! Ha ha... Sorry Repulican lost because even fools know the fiscal problems we have today were created by Bush and it will get better in next four years.
America has spoken, during the election. It doesn't matter what a few people here say. It's irrelevent. Lost is lost. Just like Romney.
Blaming every problem on a black president won't make anyone morally superior, just like lighter skin doesn't make us better than Obama. He is still a lot more succeful than most of us, no matter how you look at it. Sorry, that's the reality. He's in the white hosue, not anyone of us. LOL.
....... Yes. it is the fact that he won. But you should also remeber, there are still 49% of the population don't agree with him. They also elected a majority Repblican congress to balance the power.
Read this article from liberal CNN
http://money.cnn.com/2012/12/11/ ... index.html?iid=Lead
You can see, if we let Obama has his way, ALL our tax revenue will be used for entitle program and interest payment by 2026 (it is 71% of the tatal revenue right now). In order to sovle our deficit problem, we have to cut entitlement program (don't claim that you've paid for it, most of us earning lesst than $200,000/family didn't pay for all of them. Only the riches can claim that they paid for their entitlement program).
So the real problem of our country is not we didn't tax enough, it is we spend too much than we can afford. But Obama doesn't want to change that because government spending can buy votes, |