引用第20楼游客于2010-06-07 12:47发表的 :
12楼你凭假想猜测满有道理的。可是,据报道印医指责王医是“一整天”都没看到他。这好办就用事实来说话,医院有王医值班时的诊疗记录。王医个人因该也有一份是做不了假的。王医处理完病人空余时间去图书馆这有错吗?PAGING没 PAGING还值得怀疑呢?王医是听到手机响后才知道。印医又凭什么说王医“一整天”都不在值班呢?还诬告王医“威胁”他呢?就因王医发烧生病他介入不当诊疗王医提出抗议。凭这印医就是以公报私。害的王家是上天无路下地无门,面临的就是家破人亡。
In a separate incident, Dr. Vajinder personally sought me out on May 15, 2008, accusing me that he had been looking for me for several hours in the afternoon and was unable to find me. He also accused me that the nurses and other residents were unable to find me in the morning. This was obviously not true as I had been working in the morning at the intensive care unit (ICU) as well as the ER, and also answered pages regarding consults and renewed orders for ICU patients together with the pharmacy in the afternoon, proving that I was easily accessible throughout the whole day. I told him he was lying for his false accusations, and more than one hour later, he retaliated by accusing me of threatening his safety by using hostile body languages.
人家没有指责"一整天"看不到他.是说下午自己找了王几小时.早上其他的护士和住院医找王也有困难.如果是印医诚心撒谎陷害,他何不就提自己左右找不到王?如果提了其他护士和住院医就还要提供相应的人证,否则很容易被王驳倒.看看王对上级大夫提出当班是找不到人的批评是怎么反应的?不是有理有据有节地说出我几点在哪里有什么人证都干了什么活有什么物证.而是I told him he was lying for his false accusations.情绪激化场景不难想象.再则,就算在哪里干活也不是不回PAGER的理由.就算忙着查一个病人,查完后也要第一时间回应PAGER.这是做一个医生最基本的常识.如果连这点都做不到的人的确不能胜任. |