Dear "无耐",
I have been working for/with Asian Indian professors, bosses, co-workers in US for almost 20 years.
I don't think it's approperiate to say "印度人是我所见世界上最恶劣人种 ..." (please calm down if you really got hurt )
Yes. there are many "小人's" according to traditional Chinese standard, but overall speaking there are many good people as well.
I feel their culture is pretty much similar to Chinese culture. I found they are more often than not quite easy to communicate with.
I totally agree -- "心态问题啊,不要老是想着如何斗争,矛盾激化了对谁都没有好处。大家还记得王立山的案例吗?试试与他(她)多沟通,增进了解,做个朋友!" --- very well said !!
My understanding --- actually in some cases, We need to learn from them:
1. They know how to deal with Westners (the white) much much better than us. Some of them are very skillful in this thing; I think we Chinese have been isolated in eastern asia for too long;
2. Some of them have very high English language skills -- even much higher than many Americans (in writting, college graduates).
1. Don't got confused Pakistanies, Sri Lankans, Bangols with Asian Indians. They may look similar to us. but usually are very different. Pakistanies, Sri Lankans, Bangols are usualy much more friendly to Chinese;
2. India Subcontinent has been actually a huge racial-melting pot. There are over 100 distinct races/cultures/languages there. I found Tamils and East Indians (formly belongs to Bangladesh) are easier to contact with (but I don't know why). Not many "小人's" in Shiks and native Bangalorers (note: there are not many native Bangalorers left in nowadays Bangalore, city of Bangalore is now flooded by neighboring Talagues which compose of half of the IT resources in India --- the same thing as Beijing now: you can hardly meet a native Beijingnese in the city of Beijing on the street now). Guys from Mombay/Bombay are usually more talktive and with strong business sense. Muslim are very different from the rest so that you can very easy to tell ...
All the above are from my own observations and experiences and from what several indian co-workers told me.
Chinese immigrants is a very outstanding ethnic group in this Country. It has experienced quite long hardtime and met many hardships and It is still standing strong.
So let hatred go (if there is any). Concentrate on your life, work, and family. Smile to this Country and to this World.
We will Prevail. |