楼主 |
发表于 2013-9-18 12:54:31
引用第28楼游客于2013-09-18 11:48发表的 :
[quote]引用第27楼老钱于2013-09-18 11:36发表的  :
Why 老夫 is using the fake picture? Is this your picture? Whatever you do, honesty is important.
We understand the concepts of 言论自由,出版自由. But you cannot commit the crime. Faking other people identity is a crime. FBOI will run after you. You cannot confuse Chinese people. I hope that Chinese government or US government would arrest 老夫.
呵呵,some one got mad at my logo. 您既然这么care "fake" or not, 甚至搬出您的看家本领来吓人,那您怎么连面也不敢露呀?要我是您,那么大义凛然,那么正派,追求真理,发掘事实,我肯定注个册,拍一张正面免冠特写,堂堂正正的以此为例-----看,我就是我,老夫你敢吗?那样,小老儿定然甘拜下风。向您现在这样"honesty" 的藏洞里歇斯底里,诅咒叫骂,一如隔靴搔痒,徒伤脑筋,何益之有?BTW, you said "we" ---who is in your team? 另外,啥是“ FBOI”啊?您是说 FBI?千万别,您别去找这个倒霉----您去告我的logo,知道会有什么结果吗? FBOI现在正不亦乐乎忙着反恐,个个都在火头上,听您一讲,十有八九会认为您有病,一句 get out here 都算是客气的了。扣起来查两天再送精神病院让您养养就更舒服啦!不信您试试? |