Well said. Al Gore wanted green energy 12 years ago, and Republicans just laughed at the idea. 12 year ago America was the world leader in new energy. 12 years later, American now has to buy the new energy tech from other countries. The world is very unforgiving. If you make a wrong decision, you miss the chance and you got to pay for it. Republicans and G.W.Bush wasted 12 years, now America is far behind in new energy technology. OBM is trying to catch up. It's hard, but it's better later than never. New energy is the right direction to go. Republicans just want more wars, killing and blood for oil and money. That is very very wrong!
引用第89楼Dr.OlympiaLiu于2012-10-26 12:07发表的 :
而清洁能源,即使成本高,短期不划算,但只要Gov 和民间共抓此大方向,会去投资,扶持,和开发。 会在科技上得到突破,把成本减下来。 不管任何人当总统,都会作该项目。Obama 提出此项,是要保持其能源政策的继续,不是忽悠和欺骗。而老钱长篇累牍,簿证旁引文的立意是说成本高,得不偿失,其结论是 Obama 在忽悠。
我不认为 Obama 在忽悠欺骗,Obama 是在抓大方向,短期经济效益可能不会很快看好,但跟任何新生事物一样,Baby 会长大!
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