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匿名  发表于 2009-1-15 17:26:26 |阅读模式




您于2008年11月4日晚那次激动人心、感人肺腑的公开演讲,震撼了世界,同时也深深地打动了我。特别是您那句坚定无比、响彻全球的话——“Yes,we can!”更是让我倍感振奋,久久难以忘怀。

品味着您的获胜演讲,我的眼前便会立即浮现出一个集勇者和智者于一身的高大人物形象。您的演讲是一首饱含人间真情的抒情诗,是一篇凝聚一切力量克服困难、战胜金融危机的决心书和宣言书。怎能忘记,您连续七次反复使用的同一句话——“Yes,we can”,如同以信心、决心、雄心和坚定、坚强、坚韧为薪,在寒冷的冬天燃烧出熊熊烈焰。那火光仿佛不是与我们远隔万水千山,而是在我心中,让我真切地感受到了它的热度、气度、高度和亮度,它给人力量,催人奋进!

您的演讲让我振奋,也给了我灵感。它促使我在很短的时间里完成了名称为“Yes,we can”的关于“门”的商标的策划、设计及注册,现在,我已收到中国商标局的受理通知书。可以说,“Yes,we can”这个商标的注册,是对您当选为美国总统这一重大国际事件的纪念,也期望它能够见证一个新的时代。

也许您会问及为何要把“Yes,we can”注册为“门”的商标。我的本意是,首先,对于人类之门而言,它既需要因力量而坚固,它更应该是坚定有力的化身,如同一个孔武有力的卫士,应给人以安全感。这样理解,“Yes,we can”和“门”两者之间的一致关系就十分明显。“Yes,we can”之门绝非寻常之门,它蕴含着、寄托着许多美好涵义,如:坚固之门、平安之门、快乐之门、幸福之门、发展之门、发达之门、合作之门、和平之门、和谐之门,等等。把“Yes,we can”注册为“门”的商标,两者可谓浑然天成,相得益彰。

“Yes,we can”这一具有纪念意义的商标无疑将会令人瞩目。因为将“Yes,we can”这句话作为人们日常接触的“门”的商标,使“Yes,we can”与人们的学习、工作和生活朝夕相伴,形影不离,成为人们的密友和挚友,让人们不断从中汲取营养和力量,其影响和价值是巨大而深远的。有幸成为“Yes,we can”这一信念的实践者和传播者,我感到既有意义,又十分快乐。




中国河南省郑州市  刘春龙
联系电话:0371-69168700  13598886172
E-mail:  hnxjwh@163.com



匿名  发表于 2009-1-15 23:00:58


匿名  发表于 2009-1-16 07:34:25
An Open Letter to American President-elect President Obama


Respectable President Obama,

My name is Chunlong Liu. I am an ordinary citizen of Zhengzhou, Henan province, of the People’s Republic of China. The historical moment is coming when you are holding the presidential inauguration and take on the American presidency. I will take the opportunity to give you my heartfelt congratulations and many good wishes!

Your speech on November 4th was so inspiring and so moving that it shook the whole world. I was deeply moved, especially by this sentence,“Yes, we can!” It was so sonorous and resounding that anyone who has heard it will never forget.

Pondering your victory speech, there emerges a lofty and great figure before me, who is a combination of valor and wisdom. The speech is a piece of lyric prose full of genuine human feelings. It is also a declaration that represents your determination to agglomerate various forces and to overcome all difficulties, including the current financial crisis. How can I forget your seven consecutive “Yes, we can!”, which is just like a raging fire in this severe winter giving out dazzling blaze of confidence, resolution, ambition and perseverance! Rather than widely separated by oceans and mountains, this blaze seems to be burning within my own breast. It gives me strength and spurs me to march forwards without stop.

Your speech not only moved me, but also lit up my inspiration. In no time I have completed the conceiving, designing and registering a trademark of the door, i.e., “Yes, we can!” By now, I have already received the acceptance notice from the State Trademark Bureau of China. In my view, registering this famous sentence as a trademark is an event to commemorate your election of the American president and it will be the witness of a new era.

You may wonder why the sentence “Yes, we can!” should be registered as a trademark of the door. What I mean is this: Firstly, a door always gives one the feeling of security. Like a strong safe guard, a door is the symbol of strength, which is just what embodied in the sentence “Yes, we can!” Secondly, from ancient times, man has always lived with the door as a living necessity, and doors are everywhere around every one of us. So, by linking the sentence to the most commonplace door, we can help convey the sentence and its idea to every corner and every man in the world. The door of “Yes, we can!” is by no means a usual one, it contains too many good wishes, such as the door of Security, the door of Peace, the door of Happiness, the door of Development, the door of Prosperity, the door of Cooperation, the door of Harmony, etc. In this sense, the door trademark and “Yes, we can!” are actually accordant and harmonious by nature and bring out the best in each other. So, I feel so proud and happy to be the owner of the trademark and thereby the practiser and conveyer of the faith of “Yes, we can!”, which is the most important idea in one’s life and also in the society of contemporary America, China and the entire world.

“The sun beyond the mountain glows;
The Yellow River seawards flows.
You can enjoy a grander sight
by climbing to a greater height.”

Respectable President Obama, at this significant time when you are holding the presidential inauguration and when a new year arrives, I would like to present this famous poem from China’s Tang Dynasty to you as a handsel. I sincerely hope that you will come to “a greater height” to achieve “a grander sight”, and that you will lead the American people to overcome the current difficulties and usher in a new era!

Let’s hold our arms, standing at the new historical starting point, with our joint efforts to conquer the financial crisis and other difficulties and hug in a more sunny and more luxuriant spring!

Again, please allow me to give my heartfelt salutations and congratulations to you and wish you a happy New Year!

Chunlong Liu,Mr,
Zhengzhou,Henan province,
The People’s Republic of China


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