I try to get 168 AD, asked Dr. Guo for a long time, today, at last I got his emai.
他说168广告(小广告)价: $60/week.
Then, I reply his email:
Please let your AD Dept look at internet AD Market. Do not try to "HU YOU" .
No one is stupid to pay 60 meiyuan for a week!!!!!! (别忽悠人了,先看看广告市场再定价,你甭以为别人都是傻子!)
Yes, I try to get 168 AD, but, U are not friendly, U try to 宰我!
It's U, pressed me go to American web for AD.
As I told U that www.wellness.com has put my detail info. but, no charge yet. Free!!!
Another web"Yext" $99, $199 & $499 .for yr. diffirent plan.
Every web is Much ,Much cheaper than 168!
So, 168 Dr. Guo is the rechest web owner!!!!!!!!!!
打倒恶霸地主---老郭!叫他永世不得翻身! |