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发表于 2010-5-31 08:04:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Comparison Between Chess And Go

© 2008 Milton N. Bradley

Although manifestly quite different, Chess and Go are unquestionably the two finest strategic board games in all of human history. Some prefer one, some the other, and there are a small fortunate number who enjoy and excel at both. So why compare these two exemplars in a manner designed to demonstrate that one is superior to the other? The answer to that important question is at least partially provided by the lead editorial in The New York Times of May 10, 1997 entitled "Mind Over Matter", which commented on the then ongoing Chess match between IBM's Deep Blue Computer Program and World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov, in part as follows:

"No one much cared when computers mastered backgammon and checkers or clobbered lesser Grandmasters in chess. But now that we have sent the greatest chess champion in human history into battle, the prospect of defeat seems unnerving. Still, before mere mortals sink too deeply into despair, it is important to recognize several comforting alibis that may apply here.

Deep Blue is not thinking the way humans do. It is using its immense number-crunching power to explore millions of moves per second, and applying a set of rules provided by its human masters to pick the strongest. This gives it tremendous powers to play chess, a narrow, circumscribed pursuit that is red meat for high-speed computation but hardly the supreme measure of intelligence its practitioners like to pretend."

Deep Blue won its match with human World Chess Champion Kasparov by causing his resignation in Game 6 after only 19 moves, after what had been an even contest to that point. The following is a typical reaction to this event as posted on the web newsgroup rec.games.chess.misc: "Deep Blue won that final game not because of any superiority it had over Kasparov, but because of bizarre opening play by Kasparov.". To my mind that's a sure indication that Kasparov "cracked" psychologically, but whether or not that alone is sufficient to justify characterizing his defeat as "decisive" I leave to the reader's judgment.

The key thing that's almost certain is that with the inevitable improvements that might have been readily added to its hardware and software in subsequent months had IBM chosen to continue its development, Deep Blue would likely have become indisputably superior. But having satisfied whatever corporate objectives they had, once having achieved that narrow victory IBM "pulled the plug" and disassembled Deep Blue, presumably forever.

Now it appears that those improvements have come to pass, as explained in the Chess column of The New York Times on Sunday Feb 17, 2008, when Grandmaster Joel Benjamin wrote: 揑f a computer played perfectly, could any human hope to achieve a draw? Chess engines are still far from perfection, but their advances have been staggering. Deep Blue made history in 1997 by defeating Gary Kasparov in a six-game match. A decade later, no human would dare take on a chess program at even strength. The premier chess engine, Rybka, is estimated at (Elo) 3100, or 300 points higher than any player. Rybka is exploring this dominant relationship with handicap matches against grandmasters. After narrowly losing a match at pawn handicap (the rough equivalent of 2 stones in Go? MB) I agreed to participate in an experiment. Every draw would count as a win for me. After we split 4 games, Rybka streaked to a 6-2 rout. Rybka played Black in all 8 games. Larry Kaufman, co-programmer of Rybka, opined that no human has a chance without first move. Playing White greatly increases the chances for a grandmaster to draw with Rybka....?

In sharp contrast, the best computer Go programs are still mired at just beyond an advanced beginner's level, despite the presence for over 15 years of a $1 million prize for a program which can defeat a master Go professional, offered by the Ing Chang-Ki Goe (his unique spelling!) Educational Foundation of Taiwan. But no claimants for this impressive prize are even visible on the far horizon after all these years! The many reasons for this disparity are set out in the comparison below, but the most obvious concerns the many orders of magnitude vastly greater size of the "move trees" in Go, which render the massive number-crunching power of Deep Blue and even its potentially vastly more powerful descendants totally impotent in the critical opening and middle phases of the game.

At least equally important is the fact that, unlike Go, Chess essentially lacks a deep strategic component! To those who may question this assertion, substantiation is provided by the following famous quote:

"Chess is 99% tactics." -- Richard Teichmann, (1868-1925), a German Grandmaster who for many years lived in England, and one of the strongest attacking players of all time.

Al Lawrence, former Executive Director of the US Chess Federation said of this quote: "Everyone has always agreed on this point--even before Teichmann, who happened to come up with a snappy way to say it."

This was validated by Grandmaster Reuben Fine in his book "Chess Marches On", published by Chess Review, 1945, in which he said on page 97:

"Thirty years ago Teichmann said that chess is 99% tactics. And despite the enormous strides of chess theory since then, his percentage can only be reduced (by) a few points. Many amateurs think that master games are usually decided by some deeply-laid plan covering all possibilities for at least ten moves.. That is what they conceive the grand strategy of tournaments to be. Actually, however, strategical considerations, while quite important, do not cover a range or depth at all comparable to the popular notion. Very often, in fact, sound strategy can dispense with seeing ahead at all, except in a negative or trivial sense. And it is still true that most games, even between the greatest of the great, are decided by tactics or combinations which have little or nothing to do with the fundamental structure of the game."

Then there is this excerpt from the internet review "NEW CHESSBASE CDs", by Steve Lopez, who said:

"It's a hoary old cliché that's been kicked around for three-quarters of a century. But do you know why it's quoted so often? Because Teichmann was right! If Philidor was right in saying that the pawn is the soul of chess, Teichmann was correct in implying that tactics is the heart of the game."

Some of my master level chess-playing friends have complained that by making this comparison and demonstrating the objective superiority of Go I am denigrating Chess, but this is a misperception. For example, if we compare precious metals and conclude that gold is more valuable than silver, are we denigrating silver? Or just acknowledging objective reality? It's clear that silver has many vital uses as coinage, an electrical conductor, and in jewelry, so it is of importance in industry, commerce and quality of life areas. Under these circumstances our objective appraisal of its position as less valuable than gold should offend no unbiased observer. And the same should hold true for Chess compared with Go, but regrettably it almost invariably does not. Chess is interesting in its own right and has many assets, but when all of its attributes are stacked up against those of Go it necessarily ranks second best! The problem is that most chessplayers refuse to even contemplate that this could be true!

What most chessplayers share in this regard is that they are so convinced of the superiority of their game that, almost invariably with at best meager knowledge of Go gained almost entirely by hearsay, they dismiss the entire idea without even exhibiting a willingness to find out for themselves. This is the very problem that Chessmaster Edward Lasker and then World Chess Champion Emanuel Lasker encountered in 1905 in Germany, and which is described in the prior section of this web page entitled "How Go Came To America". Maintaining this close-minded posture is any chessplayer's absolute right, of course, but its sad consequence is that it unnecessarily cuts them off from one of life's greatest purely intellectual challenges and pleasures. Perhaps an even worse loss as a result of their narrow perspective, those chessplayers of my acquaintance who have put forth the effort to study Go report that it has improved their chess, so this is yet another detriment that those who display this "head-in-the-sand" attitude sustain. Hopefully those of you who are reading this do not wear those same blinders, and are willing to investigate Go further and then judge for yourselves!

Finally, there is this perhaps most cogent comment on the comparison between Chess and Go that appeared in an article in The New York Times Metro Section of Thursday February 6, 2003 entitled "Queen, Captured by Mouse", which focused on the then ongoing tied match between Gary Kasparov and the Israeli Chess software program "Deep Junior". That article featured the cogent quote by Dr. Hans Berliner that appears below, whose relevance can only be fully appreciated if you understand Berliner's background and outstanding credentials in the field. These were spelled out in NY Times Bridge columnist Phillip Alder's column on Saturday, Nov 4, 2006 as follows: "Hans Berliner, who was well known in chess circles, used to be a top bridge player, but retired from that game some 50 years ago. Berliner won the 1956 Eastern States open Chess Championship ahead of Bobby Fischer. But he gave up tournament chess to become the world's leading correspondence player, winning that world championship, and building a chess-playing computer. During the early stages of writing the chess program, Berliner realized that not enough was known about positional evaluation. So he turned to Backgammon. The result was BKG 9.8, the first computer program to beat a World Champion in any game when it won a backgammon match against Luigi Villa in June 1979. This research led, in 1984, to a chess program called HiTech. Berliner went on to become a Professor of Computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, from which he retired in 1998 at 69." Because Berliner's work on chess led to the development of IBM's Deep Blue and its descendants, it had great impact and relevance when he said: "You don't have to be really good anymore to get good results. Chess is winding down.....What's happening with Chess is that it's gradually losing its place as the par excellence of intellectual activity". And he concluded: "Smart people in search of a challenging board game might try a game called Go..."

Need I really say more?

Comparison Between Chess And Go  


When Invented Reputedly About 455 A.D., Probably Much Earlier. About 2000 B.C.

Where Invented Reputedly India, Probably China / China

Suitable For Players 3 years and older / 3 years and older

Number of Players 2, White and Black 2,  /  Black and White

Color Selection Chosen by Lot The weaker player always takes Black. /Equal players alternate colors in successive games.

First Play (= The Initiative) Always White Always Black, except that in handicap games /  Black's handicap stones count as his first move so that White actually makes the first "free" play.

Rules of Play Complex: Different piece moves, many special rules (e.g. en passant capture, castling, etc.) / Elegant: Only 2 simple rules govern all play.

Scope/Board Size Restricted: Only 8 x 8 = 64 squares.  / Immense: 19 x 19 = 361 intersections.

Object Of The Game Checkmate Opposing King = Total Victory  / Obtain Larger Territory = Greater "market share"

Brain Functions Used In Playing (1) Almost Entirely Analytical (left brain).  / Fully utilizes/integrates analytic (left brain) and artistic/pattern recognition (right brain) functions.

Number/kind of Playing Pieces 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 ea. Rooks, Knights, & Bishops + 8 Pawns/side. /  An unlimited supply of uniform double-convex lens shaped pieces (called stones) per side.

The Moves Of The Pieces Each type of piece has its own unique move. None. Stones are simply entered on the board one-per-turn on any empty intersection according to the rules of Go, and then are never moved thereafter unless captured (when they are removed from the board).

The Starting Lineup. Fixed by custom. None. The board begins empty and the players enter their stones anywhere that they wish to uniquely structure the board in every game.

Captures Made one-at-a-time, by moving the capturing piece into the square occupied by the piece being captured. Captured singly or en masse, by surrounding the captive(s) so that they are not connected to any adjacent open intersection.

The Fate Of Captives. Removed from the board (and further play). Removed from the board and held as prisoners, which are subtracted from the opponent's score at game's end. Each prisoner is worth one point.

Number of possible First Moves. 20 White x 20 Black = 400. 361 Black x 360 White = 129960, although symmetry reduces this number to an effective 32,490.

Number of STRONG First Moves 8 White x 8 Black = 64 32 Black x 31 White = 992

The Value Of First Move Not precisely evaluated, but often considered sufficient to force a draw and close to enough to confer a winning advantage. Most often evaluated at 6 1/2 points (called Komi), which are added to White's final score to compensate for playing second. The extra 1/2 point prevents draws.

Estimated Number of Possible Board Configurations 10 120 OMNI Magazine in June, 1991 proposed 10 761, but most believe that the correct figure is really on the order of 10 174.

Opening "Book" Structures the entire board. Any given "book" line is always feasible. Structures only a single corner. Integration of the 4 corners with the sides and center is governed by general strategic principles and tactical constraints. The feasibility of any given corner sequence depends upon what has already happened as well as the player's strategic plan for the remainder of the game.

Handicap System No formal system. Giving handicaps of one or more pieces or pawns imprecisely compensates for differences in playing strength, and distorts both tactics and strategy. Handicaps consist of allowing Black to place an appropriate number of stones on the board before White's first move. This natural and very precise compensation for playing strength differences is completely consistent with normal play.

Military Analogy A single battle. An entire multi-front war.

The Nature of Play Primarily tactical, with only a modest strategic component. Profoundly strategic, but with incisive, complex, integral tactics.

The Nature Of The Opening Primarily a struggle for development, center control, and maneuvering space, with subsidiary objectives of pawn structure, king safety, and material. Each side establishes a series of delicate balances/tradeoffs between the conflicting yet complementary objectives of territorial acquisition, "influence", making "shape", maintaining center access, and attack and defense.

The Nature Of The Middle Game Mainly tactical piece maneuvering to attempt to attain a winning material advantage or to mount a successful mating attack, often involving real and/or pseudo sacrifices, but also with strategic elements involving piece mobility, center control and pawn structure. Features deep strategic planning implemented via incisive tactics involving feints, diversions, invasions, pincer and multi-purpose attacks,, often involving both real and pseudo sacrifices.

The Nature Of The Endgame Piece and pawn maneuvers to force and/or consolidate a winning material advantage, promote a pawn, or force mate. "Endgame" moves always occur at the physical end of the game. Final consolidation of territorial borders between safe opposing armies. Although these sequences typically involve only a few points each, maintenance of the initiative throughout a sequence of such plays can readily result in the gain of enough points to decide the game. Because of the immense board size, local "endgame" sequences frequently occur at almost every stage of the game.

How Victory Is Decided. (2) Checkmate, resignation, or time. Draws are possible by agreement, stalemate, repetition of position, or perpetual check. Higher final score, resignation, or time. No draws are possible because repetition of any full board position is prohibited, and because of the extra half point given to White as part of his compensation for Black's first move advantage.

Business/Strategic Planning Analogy Emphasis on short term profits. Minimal attention to automation, Quality Control, and investment in capital equipment/plant modernization. Emphasis on long term planning, including automation, Quality control, and investment in capital equipment/plant modernization.

Countries Using This Kind Of Thinking In Their Business/Political Decision Making. US, Western Democracies, Russia, and Eastern European Nations. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore.

Strength Of computer Programs Grandmaster Level Intermediate (5-8 Kyu) level

Reasons For Computer Program Performance Restricted scope makes application of "standard" techniques such as heuristic search, etc. feasible even on microcomputers. Immense scale makes the application of "standard" techniques infeasible even on supercomputers. Requires a real breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence which has not yet been achieved.  


GO is a board game thought to be different from chess in many aspects, most significantly in that GO emphasizes global strategy more than local battle, a property very difficult for computer programs to emulate. To investigate the neural basis of GO, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activities of subjects engaged in playing GO. Enhanced activations were observed in many cortical areas, such as dorsal prefrontal, parietal, occipital, posterior temporal, and primary somatosensory and motor areas.

Quantitative analysis indicated a modest degree of stronger activation in right parietal area than in left. This type of right hemisphere lateralization differs from the modest left hemisphere lateralization observed during chess playing.

(2) At first blush, the idea of a draw is superficially appealing! After all, if two opponents are really almost exactly equal in strength, why should the result of their encounter be that one gets a full point and the other gets nothing? Especially if no obviously egregious errors have been made, it seems fairer that they split the point evenly. But upon deeper introspection, that idea begins to fall apart. And this is something that most chessplayers implicitly acknowledge, but then act as though they were either oblivious to or deliberately choose to ignore as less than significant. That this attitude is at best mistaken was made abundantly clear by Robert Byrne, the distinguished New York Times chess columnist, in his regular weekly column of Sunday, March 28, 2004 when he said:

l adimir Kramnik of Russia, the world champion, won the Super GM Tournament in Linares, Spain, held from Feb. 19 to March 5. He scored 7-5 in the elite seven-entrant double-round-robin invitational event. Peter Leko and Garry Kasparov tied for second with 61/2 -51/2. It is the greatest satisfaction in the game to be No.1 in a tourney where everyone is at the top of the world rankings. That having been said, this competition had only nine decisive encounters. All the rest were draws.?

Translating Byrne抯 statement a bit to make clearer the point he抯 making, we see that of a total of 84 games contested a full 89% resulted in a draw! And how many of those were actually infamous 揼randmaster draws? in which the opponents, wary of each other抯 skills and unwilling to risk a loss, really only 揼o through the motions? for a few desultory moves and then quickly agree to a face saving draw, isn抰 revealed. The fact that Byrne even explicitly pointed this out is, I believe, ample proof that even among the most ardent chess lovers this remains a serious intrinsic flaw that greatly diminishes both the game抯 integrity and the satisfaction its players derive from it.


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-1 14:00:58 | 显示全部楼层
围棋是所有棋类中最复杂的,这是不争的事实,另一个不争的事实是围棋的棋盘也是所有棋类中最大的,所以很容易想到围棋的超强复杂性来源于它的巨大的棋盘,而经验似乎也支持这个观点,如果我们用小一些的棋盘,比如用13路或9路棋盘下几盘,肯定会发现它的复杂性确实降低了很多。问题是:如果加大棋盘,比如用21路或99路的,它的复杂性真的会增加吗?如果答案是肯定的,那么我们就可以想象以后有一天职业棋手觉得自己把19路围棋研究得差不多了,胜负没有悬念了,就会提出来一场围棋革命,把职业比赛用的棋盘改成21路的,然后再过几百年21路围棋又研究明白了,就再来一场围棋革命,再加大棋盘,呜呼,好可怕哦,用那么大棋盘下棋还不得累吐血!   如果用棋具相似的其它棋类做类比,答案应该是不能,比如五子棋最复杂的就是十五路,如果下棋双方在十五路棋盘的空间不能战胜对方,那么如果不考虑出昏招,在更大的棋盘也不能,事实上,五子棋的前50手是最复杂的,以后就逐渐趋于简单了。另一个例子是翻转棋,翻转棋最复杂的就是8路,我认为围棋以及任何一种棋类,它是复杂还是简单,原因来自于它的规则,而不是棋盘的大小,而棋盘的大小是依赖于复杂度的。围棋的棋盘之所以这么大,是因为只有这么大的棋盘才能容纳围棋规则产生的全部复杂性,而不是棋盘越大,围棋越复杂。   那么为什么围棋的规则能产生这么大的复杂性呢?我想内容的复杂程度和规则的复杂程度没什么关系,跳棋和围棋的规则都非常简单,但跳棋的内容并不复杂,围棋内容却复杂无比。足球和象棋的规则都很复杂,但象棋内容很复杂,而足球如果不考虑人的因素,它的内容(战略战术)却很简单。   那么是规则的什么地方什么让围棋如此之难呢?   我觉得围棋的规则虽然是简单的,但却是最抽象的。想象一下,你教一个傻瓜下棋,教象棋容易还是教围棋容易?傻瓜在这里被定义为只能按命令做事,不能理解语言的内在含义。   当然,教这样的傻瓜什么事都不太容易,但只要你有巨大的耐心、爱心和责任心,象棋大概还是可以教会的,你可以让他把诸如“马走日、象走田、小卒一去不回还”之类的规则背下来(要选一个记忆力强的傻瓜),然后一丝不苟的照做就行了。象棋规则虽然有很多,但比较意义明确,照做应该是没问题的。   而围棋您大概是永远也教不会的,因为围棋的规则是抽象的,它并不是死记某个棋形可以解决的,比如中国围棋规则中的“气”的概念,你怎么给傻子解释什么是气呢?和一块棋相邻的空点,对吧?可是什么样的棋才能叫“一块棋”呢?你说:如果两个同色的子相连,他们就是一块棋,“所有和某一个子相连以及和这个子相连的子相连,以及和这个子引起的所有诸如此类的相连的同色的子的集合,构成一块棋”,但如何判断两个子是否相连呢?   这样解释要花费很多唇舌,而傻子也未必能听得明白,关键是围棋的规则中的概念并不与某个具体的棋形相对应,它是抽象的,必须经过理性的思考并且在某种程度上要借助于其他事物的经验(比如相连的概念)才能理解,这是和象棋、五子棋、翻转棋等所有棋类的本质区别。   美国语言学家乔姆斯基在1956年曾提出过一种具有革命性的理论,即乔姆斯基谱系,这种理论把语言分为从0到3四个等级,即0型:无限制文法;1型 与上下文有关文法;2型 与上下文无关文法;3型 有限状态的正则文法;这种理论后来在计算机语言程式设计中得到了广泛应用。   其实计算机就是上面说的那个傻瓜,目前计算机所广泛使用的所有高级语言都遵循一种共同的语法规则,即巴科斯—瑙尔范式。这种规则的具体内容与本文无关,我只想说明,巴科斯—瑙尔范式事实上等价于乔姆斯基的2型文法,即与上下文无关文法。“上下文无关”的意思是,给出一句话,它只能理解这句话本身的意思,而不能理解这句话的上下文所共同表达的意思。而1型语法,“上下文有关的语法”,则可以根据这句话的上下文理解这句话背后的更深层的含义。   现在设想一下,下象棋每挪动一个子后棋局会产生什么样的变化呢(假设这个挪动本身是符合象棋中关于这个子的规则的)?如果落子点有己方棋子,那么这步棋无效,如果有对方棋子,对方棋子被吃,如果无子,这个子移动到这个位置。   这样我们判断象棋的每一步棋之后的状态只要考虑这个子本身的变化就可以,不必考虑周围的情况,这刚好正是乔姆斯基四级语言中的2级:上下文无关语言,即计算机语言所能胜任的,所以我认为计算机这个超级傻子是能应付象棋这种类型的智力游戏的,但围棋却是另一回事,“深蓝”能击败卡斯帕罗夫并不等于计算机也能击败李昌镐,甚至击败李坏也不能,不管它有多蓝!   围棋每落下一子会产生什么情况呢?如果落子点有子(无论己方棋子还是对方棋子),这步棋当然无效。但如果无子,如何判断有效还是无效?棋盘状态如何变化?这要涉及“气”的概念,而“气”与这个子所在的整块棋的状态有关,同时还与和这个子相邻的对方的子的整块棋的状态有关,所以判断围棋每一步棋之后的状态不光要考虑这步棋本身,还要考虑周围,甚至整个棋盘的情况,它不是上下文无关的,目前的计算机语言还不能完全胜任(但通过巧妙的编程可以用上下文无关的指令进行某种程度的模仿),如果有人要求您教会计算机傻子诸如大头鬼、倒脱靴这类双方棋子纠缠不清的复杂棋形,这绝对是对您的身心健康的野蛮摧残。   事实上象棋和围棋在复杂度上根本不是一个级别的,象棋的规则是对每个具体的棋子的规定,如马如何走,象如何走,等等,这一个个具有独特规则的子的组合当然变化数也非常可观,但终究是有限的。而围棋虽然每个子都一样,并不对棋子做特殊的规定,但却对子和子之间的组合状态做了抽象的规定,这使它的变化接近于无限。   举个例子,你在一张纸上写上一个个具体的人的名字,如张三、李四、王二,再研究他们之间的关系的可能的组合,比如张三是李四的舅舅,李四和王二小姐正在拍拖,王二小姐和李四打过架等等,你写的人越多,这些关系的组合当然也越多,但总还是有限的。   而如果写的不是具体的人名,而是抽象的名词,比如男人、女人、儿童,这三种名词的具体应用的组合会有多少?是无限的了吧?这就是围棋和其它棋类的本质区别,抽象的规则使围棋变得如此之难,以至于以李坏的勤奋好学到现在也只不过混了个业三而已!   围棋是所有棋类中最复杂的,这是不争的事实,另一个不争的事实是围棋所用的棋子也是最多的,一般下一盘围棋多则三百多子,少则百余子,这比其它所有棋类游戏所用的棋子或步数都多得多,所以很容易想到围棋的超强复杂性来源于它的巨大的棋子数量,而经验似乎也支持这个观点,如果我们用小一些的棋盘,比如用13路或9路棋盘下几盘,所用的子少了,肯定会发现它的复杂性确实降低了很多。但是这里有一个问题是,围棋的每个棋子都是一样的,相同的棋子怎么能产生复杂性呢?   比如象棋的复杂性来源于不同种类棋子的组合,当然它有的子,如兵、车、马、相都不止一个,但这是因为它的规则需要这些更多的子,而不是更多的子才复杂。如果我们把象棋改成10个兵,4个车,我想那只能让下棋的时间更长,过程更繁琐,而不会更复杂,也不会更有趣味。   我认为围棋以及任何一种棋类,它是复杂还是简单,与它所用的棋子的数量无关,而棋子的数量是依赖于复杂度的。围棋的棋子之所以这么多,是因为只有这么多棋子才能容纳围棋规则产生的全部复杂性,而不是棋子越多,围棋越复杂。   那么围棋的复杂性来自于什么地方呢?我认为围棋以及其它一切棋类的复杂性主要来自于构成这种棋的基本类型的组合,“基本类型”的意思是能够体现这种棋类的本质规则的最小单位的种类。国际象棋的基本类型就是单个的棋子,因为它的规则是对每个棋子单独做出规定。共有六类,即王、后、相、马、车、兵。国际象棋之所以复杂是因为它的基本类型有六个,而非一个或两个,并且不同类型之间的走法差别非常大,但围棋更复杂!   围棋有多少个基本类型呢?如果它的基本类型也是单个棋子,那么当然只有一种,这也是令很多人困惑的原因,相同的棋子,却组合出了那么复杂的结果。   事实上围棋本质的规则并不体现在棋子上,而是作用于由棋子之间相连而成的整体上。我认为能体现围棋的本质的规则是关于“气”的计算、“死子”和“禁着点”的判定等产生复杂结果的规则,而不是棋子是下在交叉点上还是下在格子中、黑方和白方谁先走、先走的一方贴多少目上,非本质的规则与复杂性无关。无疑,围棋的本质规则都是与作为整块棋的整体有关的,它所产生的复杂性,如死活、双活、打劫等也都是体现在由棋子构成的整块棋上,而不是单个棋子上。   那么作为基本类型的整块棋有多少种呢?这恐怕是个非常庞大的天文数字,并且计算起来非常难。

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匿名  发表于 2010-6-2 08:02:22


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