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【Vote 2020】-5:Slave【America First】











发表于 2020-10-24 06:43:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Politicians on both sides of the aisle try hard to convince you their ways of dealing with the “illegal immigrants” problem is the right way. But none dare to tell you the true nature of these “illegal immigrants” at the macroeconomic level, i.e. they are the slaves among the “Labor America”.

“Pay-no-tax”, “Welfare-stealing” “illegal immigrants”

Because they are the “Undocumented Labor America”, they don’t appear to pay any tax. In reality, the taxes they pay to the whole society are in the form of the meager low wages for their hard labors, at the level far below the $7.25/hour legal minimum. The cheap strawberries and lattices you buy at Walmart, as well as the cheap burgers you buy at McDonald’s are directly subsidised by the “Slave America” sweat labor.

Free to go home south

In theory, the “Slave America” are free to go home south of the border. But in reality, the choice between starvation there and half-slave labor here is no free choice at all. With the bondage of “illegal status”, they never complain, never take sick leaves and never strike. They also come with no cost of healthcare and other benefits for the farms and meat plants, where most of them work and reside.  

If you look hard enough

Some do venture into urban communities, but we rarely notice them since most work at construction sites and restaurant back kitchens. That is how we get our affordable housing and cheap stir fries & burritos. The only time most of us ever see them in person is when they come to do our landscapes, trim our trees, paint our houses, repair our roofs, etc. We neve complain when their bosses hand us the bills.

Republican’s Solutions

The GOP speaks for “Capital American”. To them, “Slave American” has led to labor surplus at the bottom, hence more than a decade long $7.25/hour minimum wage stagnation. It is also a potent weapon to continually weaken the labor unions, hence the ever erosion of the “Labor America” political power. Best of all, it makes our farm products cheap to export.So we must “Wall” them in, keep them “undocumented”, have no mercy to their welfares. We must also make it clear to their kids, know your own places, don’t even dare “Dreaming” of any better future than your parents. DACA maybe, but never “D.R.E.A.M”!

BTW, Covid-19 or not, your works are now essential by the President decree, so move your asses, fast: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/covids-hidden-toll .

Democrat’s Solutions

Democrats are soft-hearted to “Slave America”, but they dare not offend the voters, aka “Consumer America”. Legalizing the “undocumented” will immediately lead to price hikes at Walmart grocery aisles and McDonald’s. We “Consumer America” hate it.

So the best they could offer are charities, i.e. school their children, give them minimum healthcare services, etc. For the future generation, first DACA then “D.R.E.A.M”. For the “Slave America” kids,  “D.R.E.A.M” is better than no dream after all.

(to be continued)

Frank Hui


Atlanta, Georgia, USA


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