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【Vote 2020】-8: Pro-Life v.s. Abortion Right











发表于 2020-10-31 07:18:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I was the 1st born male child to Chinese parents and my younger brother was born prior to the infamous 1-Child state mandate. So no risk of infanticide or being aborted. But neither of us escaped the brainwashing of state abortion propaganda and witnessing the tragedies, in particular my mother being a doctor there.

Now both my brother and I have two grown up children, both with a 1st born daughter and a 2nd born son. I’m not sure about my brother’s but I’m against abortion in my own family.

Taking full responsibility

When my wife felt uneasy about keeping my expecting daughter back then, I firmly told her I’ll never agree with her aborting any of my children. Lucky for my daughter, my wife didn’t insist on her right of abortion. If my daughter ever asked for my opinion about her choice when the occasion comes, I’ll say the same thing and is willing to raise her children if she is not ready for it, up till they finish colleges. Of course the decision right is ultimately hers.

Had my wife insisted on her abortion right, we probably had parted ways decades ago. I respect women’s rights everywhere and am willing to pay the price in the form of raising my children alone, including my grandkids, if they are the direct consequences of following my advice against the mothers’ inclinations.

So my question to us all is, are we ready to pay the same price by properly raising children born to mothers who follow our advice but lacking means to raise them properly, and through colleges? Seeing the debate of ObamaCare and Medicaid Expansion in Georgia, I don’t see that happening at all.Pro-

Life is NOT mere Pro-Birth

Some Pro-Life try to muddy the water by arguing those women who are not ready should never get themselves impregnated in the first place. That is not the point of this debate at all.The real questions are, if a woman is already pregnant, but lacking financial or mental resources to properly raise the future child through college:

#1: What is her right, responsibility to that potential child of her?#2: What is the responsibility of society if the pregnancy continues and a child is born?

The Money Question

Who shall pay for the $0.5 M+?

#1: Cost of pregnancy: $20K+ for loss of income & prenatal health care.

#2: Cost of childbirth: $10K~$30K+

#3: Cost through high school: $300K

#4: Cost of college: $200K

The Moral Question

Society should face the moral challenge of financial burden before challenging a pregnant woman who is already at her wits’ end.

Let’s be honest to ourselves, are we willing to pay more taxes to raise all those children born to those women even if they all are willing to following our position on abortion?

Let's look at the reality in GA. Our Governor has been claiming we could not afford ~$700/person a year to Expand Medicaid  for ~0.5M of our fellow Georgians who currently have no health insurance coverage. If what he said is true, which is 25 cent/day extra tax burden per person on the rest of us, then how do could you expect us to pay $20K+/person a year expense for each kid whose mothers could not take care them directly?

Nationwide, we could not even agree upon a better healthcare solution  that will cost all of us less than half of what we are paying today, because we are so afraid of "Socialism " that have already spread across all developed countries in Europe and Asia, except China of course.

Let’s work out among ourselves with the idea that, Pro-Life must include the whole Life-Cycle of the unborn child before wasting our energy attacking abortion-right camp.

After all, it's us versus the unborn, not us versus the mother of the unborn.

(to be continued)

Frank Hui

Atlanta, Georgia, USA


p.s. For those who care to read my original articles in Chinese,here is the link.

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