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发表于 2023-8-5 14:44:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 老钱 于 2023-10-10 05:04 编辑



--- 这完全是人祸,这就是谋杀!

--- This is completely a man-made disaster,this is murder!

For nearly a week, I have been bombarded every daywith tragic reports of floods in various parts of the Mainland/China, and thenthe most serious floods in the city of Zhuozhou. I feel extremely sadand angry! Although we have escaped from that hell ourselves, they are our compatriotsof the same race and culture! Being woken up by the ring of the cell phone, Ihad to get up and write this article with a great anger.

全世界都在注视着。The whole world is watching.

Coincidentally, the entertainment/public opinionimpact caused by Daolang's new song 《Rakshasa SeaCity》 just now (see Appendix 2) is now sweeping theworld in excitement. . . Everyone knows that this "Rakshasa Kingdom"and "Yiqiuhe" are the "powerful pot"; they also know whothe "stick sticks" are. . . The impact is still there, and Tornado "Doksuri"immediately comes to give a vivid explanation: what is the "RakshasaKingdom Gougouying", who is the "insert pole/Mahu Youniao", andwhat did they do? . Straightforwardly peel off the skin of the "powerfulpot"/"inserter" in real time!

This disaster was originally a natural disaster caused by TyphoonDoksuri, the fifth typhoon this year. But now, in order to "protectXiongan", the nature of this disaster has completely changed. It'scompletely a man-made disaster! It was a deliberate-planed massacre withoutregard for the lives of ordinary people. This is truly the "three-pointyellow mud land" of "Gougou Camp"!

灾难真正的来由是这样的。The real cause of the disaster is this.

To provide Beijing with water, reservoirs upstream of Beijing havealways stored large amounts of water. However, floods must be released everyrainy season, and once released, low-lying areas will be flooded. This time itis to protect the empty city of Xiong'an. Xiongan is located at the bottom of adepression in the North China Plain, which was originally the Baiyangdian Lakefor flood discharge. The altitude of the bottom of Baiyangdian is only five orsix meters. According to some data, the altitude of Xiongan is seven tonineteen meters. Think about it, in the event of a heavy rainstorm, thesurrounding water will rush towards Xiongan. What is a catastrophe? Justthinking about it makes me shudder! This is the extremely stupid and recklessact of a person who "inserts the pole". (See Appendix 1)

遇到大雨,为了保住北京和雄安,河北20座水库一起泄洪,这就是周边地区被淹,特别是涿州水灾的原因。Inthe event of heavy rain, in order to protect Beijing and Xiongan, 20 reservoirsin Hebei released floods together. This is why the surrounding areas wereflooded, especially the floods in Zhuozhou.
7月31日晚京高层突然决定开闸放水,没有及时通知下游,涿州百姓蒙然不知,洪水从永定河涌向小清河与北巨马河汇流淹向涿州,半夜突然地,俄涿州水位猛涨3到6米,居民根本没有办法逃离,纷纷逃往高处避难,瞬间断断电断水断讯号,外界仅收到微弱求救信号,霎时间来的灾祸,都措手不及。为了保北京,65万涿州人就应该淹死吗?On the evening of July 31, senior officials inBeijing suddenly decided to open the floodgates and release water withoutnotifying the downstream people in time. The people of Zhuozhou were unawarethat the floods surged from the Yongding River to the Xiaoqing River and mergedwith the Beijuma River to flood Zhuozhou. Suddenly, in the middle of the night,the water level in Zhuozhou suddenly surged. It rose 3 to 6 meters, and residentshad no way to escape. They fled to higher ground for refuge. Power, water, andsignals were instantly cut off. Only weak signals for help were received fromthe outside world. They were caught off guard by the sudden disaster. In orderto protect Beijing, should 650,000 Zhuozhou people drown?

更加恶劣的是,洪水从北京到达涿州后,北京下令挖开涿州的北巨马河与小清河的堤坝,让洪水淹涿州,不再流向白洋淀雄安新区。这就是为了保“插杆儿”的面子的真正目的。What's even worse is that after the floods reachedZhuozhou from Beijing, Beijing ordered the construction of the dams of the BeijumaRiver and Xiaoqing River in Zhuozhou to allow the floods to flood Zhuozhou andno longer flow to Baiyangdian Xiongan New Area. This is the real purpose ofprotecting the face of "inserting poles".

而且当涿州正在加固,巡防的河堤民众,看到警方却在挖堤泄洪,发生冲突了,出动武警镇压,保堤的老百姓反而被警方逮捕,挖提泄洪,造成大批人死亡。。。Moreover, when reinforcements were being made inZhuozhou, people patrolling the river embankments saw the police diggingembankments to release floods, and a conflict broke out. Armed police weredispatched to suppress the river embankments. Instead, the people protectingthe embankments were arrested by the police and dug embankments to releasefloods, resulting in a large number of deaths. . .

人间地狱,惨不忍睹!Hell on earth is so miserable!

这完全是“那马户又鸟”/x猪头親自布署親自指揮的後果。This is entirelythe result of "Na Ma Hu You Bird"/x Zhu Tou's personal deployment andpersonal command.

今天是8/5 ,去Google一下与这场人灾“涿州洪水”,除了少量的谴责之外,已经完全被CCP的水军占领了,满屏都是大外宣的谎话。(插一句,Google的堕落也是CCP参透的美国惨况!)。见下图“涿州灾难之时的人民日报”,Todayis 8/5. Go to Google to find out about the man-made disaster "ZhuozhouFlood". Except for a small amount of condemnation, it has been completelyoccupied by the CCP's navy. The screen is full of lies from foreign propaganda.(Insert, Google’s depravity is also the tragic situation in the United Statesthat the CCP has learned about!). See the picture below "People's Daily atthe time of the Zhuozhou disaster",


(图一,歲月靜好的罗刹国)(Picture 1, Rakshasa Kingdom inpeaceful times)

满纸荒唐言:“生态头等大事。。。蔡奇看望北戴河专家。。。”,一句不提涿州人间地狱!压根就当作没有这回事。。。电台报道,日本苦難深重,台灣水深火熱。。。全世界都是灾难,就是“不报北京报东京”!一片岁月静好。用战狼们婊子华春莹之流的话,涿州民众“你们就在大水之下,偷着乐吧”。真是“它红描翅那个黑画皮,绿绣鸡冠金镶蹄”。The paper isfull of absurd statements: "Ecology is a top priority... Cai Qi visitsexperts from Beidaihe...", without even mentioning Zhuozhou as a hell on earth!Just pretend that there is no such thing. . . The radio station reported thatJapan is suffering deeply and Taiwan is in dire straits. . . The whole world isa disaster, just "don't report it to Beijing, report it to Tokyo"!The years are quiet. In the words of Wolf Warrior bitch Hua Chunying andothers, the people of Zhuozhou "just have fun under the flood." It isreally "its black painted skin with red wings and green embroideredcockscomb with gold hooves".

可是不打自招的是,中共河北省委书记倪岳峰8月1日,一番河北要“坚决当好首都护城河”的表忠心,豪言壮语,就把所有的谎言都证伪了。就把网络上铺天盖地的愤怒都证实了。However,what is not self-defeating is that on August 1, Ni Yuefeng, Secretary of theHebei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, expressed hisloyalty and made bold words that Hebei must "resolutely serve as the moatof the capital", which falsified all the lies. This confirms theoverwhelming anger on the Internet.

这真是“可是那从来煤蛋儿生来就黑,不管你咋样洗呀那也是个脏东西”。This is really "but coal eggs are always blackfrom birth, no matter how you wash them, they are still dirty."


(图二是,“插杆儿”率一众“马户又鸟”浑然自得地开会的人模狗样儿)(Picture 2shows a group of people who are leading a group of "Mahu Youniao" whoare having a meeting with complete complacency, looking like dogs)

正真叫做,  “岂有画堂登猪狗,哪来鞋拔作如意”。It is really called, "How canthere be pigs and dogs in the painting hall, and how can one shoehorn in one'swishes".

“把一个蓄洪区变成了城市,把一个城市变成了蓄洪区”!这就是当下这个“三寸黄泥地”一片惨况的真实描述!这就是这个比黑社会还要黑,比罗刹国还要罗刹国的法西斯独裁专制!"Turning a flood storage area into a city, andturning a city into a flood storage area"! This is a true description ofthe miserable situation in this "three inches of yellow mud"! This isthis fascist dictatorship that is darker than the underworld, and worse thanthe Rakshasa Kingdom!

而且这是“罗刹国”的一贯做法,为了权贵面子,利益可以牺性亿万百姓,不足为奇。郑州大水灾难还记忆犹新呢,我写了《老钱:郑州水灾一月祭 --- 躲不过去的十问 21799》。今年,涿州人祸又来了。更加“雄伟壮观”,因为这次是由那“插杆儿”親自布署,親自指揮的。And this is the consistentpractice of the "Rakshasa Kingdom". It is not surprising thathundreds of millions of people can be sacrificed for the sake of the face ofthe powerful. The Zhengzhou flood disaster is still fresh in my mind, so Iwrote "Old Money: January Festival of the Zhengzhou Flood - Ten QuestionsYou Can't Avoid, 21799". This year, man-made disasters have struckZhuozhou again. It was even more "majestic and spectacular" becausethis time it was personally deployed and directed by the "pole-planter".
回顾这个“三寸黄泥地”的历史,还有,1975年的52连环大溃坝,动车追尾,天津港大爆炸,。。。举不胜举,层出不穷。。。这个CCP“罗刹国”就是这样鱼肉蹂躏罗刹海里的老百姓,乐此不疲,一而再,再而三,直至灭亡。Looking back at thehistory of this "three inches of yellow mud", there are also the 197552 series dam failure, the high-speed train rear-end collision, and the TianjinPort explosion. . . The list is endless. . . This CCP "RakshasaKingdom" is just like this, ravaging the common people in the RakshasaSea, enjoying it, over and over again, until it perishes.

“苟苟营”市政府号召市民捐款,就遭遇到前所未有的抵制和唾骂。市民质疑;仅今年7个月,就无偿捐献给外国合计1000亿元,为什么当自己受灾却要百姓捐款?2个小时内收到7万多条微博,都是骂娘的,今天早上只能关闭评论了。The "Gougouying" municipalgovernment called on citizens to donate, but it encountered unprecedentedresistance and scorn. Citizens question: In the past seven months alone, atotal of 100 billion yuan has been donated to foreign countries for free. Whydo we ask people to donate when we are affected by a disaster? I received morethan 70,000 Weibo posts in 2 hours, all of which were abusive. I had to closecomments this morning.

当全世界的人们,还处在娱乐心态未已之时,立刻就被Doksuri/杜苏芮”送进了万分悲愤的心情。这个愚蠢至极的“总加速师”,极其尽职地加速着全世界对这个“三寸黄泥地”的认识和反感。加速裹挟着中华民族的老百姓一起向悬崖狂奔。Whenpeople all over the world were still in a state of entertainment, they wereimmediately put into a state of extreme sadness and indignation by"Doksuri". This extremely stupid "chief accelerator" isextremely dedicated to accelerating the world's understanding and disgust ofthis "three inches of yellow mud". The acceleration carried the peopleof the Chinese nation and rushed towards the cliff together.

这里关键是·,降雨是基本无法控制的;但是开闸泄洪100%的是政府的控制!而且直接是中央政府冷酷地盘算!更加而且的是,他们根本毫无预警,毫无帮助民众撤退的计划。在他们决定怎么泄洪的时候,已经冷酷地决定了,必须“牺牲”那些人!更加!更加!!而且的是,这是“插杆儿”,“马户又鸟”们的国家机密!!!Thekey here is that rainfall is basically uncontrollable; but the opening offloodgates and flood discharge is 100% controlled by the government! And it’sdirectly the central government’s ruthless calculation! What's more, they hadno warning and no plan to help the people evacuate. When they decided how torelease the flood, they had coldly decided that those people must be"sacrificed"! more! more! ! What's more, this is the state secret ofthe "inserting rods" and "Ma Hu You Birds"! ! !

蓄意地无预警泄洪,就是大规模的屠杀。冷酷地决定无差别地杀掉一个区域里的人,这是史无前例的法西斯暴政。Deliberatelyreleasing floods without warning is mass murder. The cold decision to killeveryone in an area without distinction is an unprecedented fascist tyranny.

这个愚蠢至极的“总加速师”,极其尽职地加速着全世界对这个“三寸黄泥地”的认识和反感。加速裹挟着中华民族的老百姓一起向悬崖狂奔。Thisextremely stupid "chief accelerator" is extremely dedicated toaccelerating the world's understanding and disgust of this "three inchesof yellow mud". The acceleration carried the people of the Chinese nationand rushed towards the cliff together.

如果人间还有公道的话,联合国应该谴责这个“一丘河”/“苟苟营”/“厉害锅”的“插杆儿”和“马户又鸟”;应该把这个法西斯政府和首魁,和撒谎战狼们,作为“第一级谋杀罪”,都诉上国际法庭;像对待普京一样,发布全球通缉令。Ifthere is justice in the world, the United Nations should condemn the"stick sticks" and "Ma Hu Youniao" of"Yiqiuhe"/"Gougouying"/"powerful pot"; it shouldcondemn this fascist government and its leader, and The lying wolf warriors allsued the International Court of Justice for "first-degree murder";they issued a global arrest warrant just like they did with Putin.

可惜,现在全世界都被东西方的极左派,新老马克思主义的极左思潮搅得天昏地暗,是非颠倒。。。It is a pitythat the whole world is now confused by the ultra-left ideological trends ofthe East and the West, the new and old Marxism, and the right and wrong arereversed. . .



打西边来了一个小伙儿他叫马骥,美丰姿 少倜傥 华夏的子弟


附件一:《雄安遇郑州似的大暴雨   怎么办?

      中国科大5802  李福利(2021年7月23日)



且说1963年8月,保定曾发生特大洪水。那时我刚从中国科大毕业留校,无法回保定地区老家,就马上在中关村一分部(技术物理系)工作了。我的家乡因洪水而遭灭顶之灾。当时,保定连续七天共降雨1329 mm,有的地点达至2050mm,。日降雨高达500mm,有的地方达865mm(网上资料)。当时为保天津,炸开水库放水,据说水头高十来米,像墙一样“直立”飞奔。我家乡一片汪洋。许多房子倒塌。不少人爬到树上。上游冲下许多人没命了,很快腐烂变质,水退后,周围还气味难耐,无人敢近前。














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